How dead is too dead?

Tried the search function but didn’t find much. For you experienced necromancers, how many years after death is it possible to make contact with the deceased? Someone here mentioned they had worked with two German soldiers from WWII. There’s a gentleman buried in my local cemetery who passed in 1972. Being new to necromancy, I haven’t been able to connect with him although I’ve done a ritual, hung out as his grave site, talked and left some dried fruit around Christmas. From research I’ve done, it seems that Westerners take longer to reincarnate than those from Asia because they are supposedly waiting to reunite with their loved ones. Do you find that after several decades, the shade of the deceased isn’t accessible?

Also, does notoriety matter? I assume it would be easier to contact Marilyn Monroe than the average housewife who also passed in 1962. There are a few robber barons buried at my favorite cemetery in Cleveland. Although I’ve gathered dirt from their graves, I assume they’re too far gone to work with their shade.

Any insights from your experiences would be greatly appreciated.


You are also more likely to to come into contact with the idea of her, or an egregore, since she is so popular. You just need a certain level of sensitivity to contact some. Or you have to be able to walk in their world.

Yeah for a lot the “shade” is just gone, whether it passed on or was destroyed somehow. You can still contact their soul and speak with them regardless though, it has more to do with whether they are still attached to the earth or not.


What does “Eregore” mean? I’ve never heard or seen that word before.

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It may just be the case that gentleman from 1972 may not want to be bothered. I find that making contact with and working with the dead requires consent from all parties involved, not just the Necromancer(s).

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Hmm… how to explain it simply. In chaos magick we look at levels of strength with the spirits we work with. From weakest to strongest:

An egregore is a spirit that is on roughly equal footing to a human practicioner. It also usually means it is a spirit that comes from others minds.

So what im saying is, if you try to contact Monroe, you are likely going to get the parts of her that live in peoples minds, as that is going to be closer to you as a person than the spirit itself.

Its a really simple explanation, but Google can help more

You’re probably right. I get a feeling he was a loner on the peripheral of society, his grave at the very edge of the cemetery over top that of his wife’s first husband. Only WWII sergeant in that graveyard. Born on the 4th of July. Came home from war and married a widow 7 years his senior with children. None of his own. Was thinking that might be why I can’t connect. Without a bloodline on this plane to watch over, he’s likely moved on.

There’s a teenager who passed 15 years ago in a car accident. She is probably easier to connect with but being new to necromancy, a teenager might be more than I can handle.

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I kinda had to giggle at this. While they tend to appear in whatever form, unless they are stuck here, I’ve not noticed the age of the physical has anything to do with the personality or age of the spiritual.

I wouldn’t necessarily expect to get a child, even if they died as a child, unless they are stuck- personally.

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Good to know! Teenagers scare me to death - dead or alive!


According to at least an Italian author, magick is beyond time (also space and logic), I don’t know if from this point of view it’s possible to speak with any dead but… maybe.

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Well to be a necromancer you need to be a Medium. It seems one is born that way. People say you can learn necromancy but actually that’s bs. One is a born medium or not and than has a talent for necromancy. Anyways it is not important the time when consulting spirits of the dead but their situation. That means are they still bound to the earth? Than yes you can get in touch anytime with them. Did the dead chosen enlightment? Than they are in other planes and won’t appear or instead come impostor spirits. Some of the dead choose to be the guardians of their family and friends who are still alive they are helpful and ready to talk for important insights.


Thanks for the reply. So it seems that soldiers tend to stay earth bound. At least those who died in battle or feel guilt from taking a life. Gettysburg comes to mind. Are there spirits who have a tendency to stay earth bound? Soldiers, murderers, murder victims? Or those who die before they feel it is their time? I have a very bad family situation that I want to put to rest. I was talking about it when lighting a candle and adding to my uncle’s shrine on my ancestral altar. A lamp from his house started flickering. Changed the bulb. Still happened. And now, when I can’t get the topic out of my head, lights in other parts of the house will flicker. My husband thought it was the fixtures until he couldn’t fix it. This surprised me because Uncle has been gone 9 years and I no longer dream of him like I did.

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i agree with Rav on this, my experiences have shown that when the death is recent the awareness is still attached to a much higher degree. never had any experiences with old death.