How dangerous is chaos exactly?

I’ve stored what feels like a ball of chaos energy above my “energy core” area and it’s painful. How long until I should take it out?

Energy core, or mana pool, or whatever, is near where my solar was. it’s hurting my heart core.

It sounds like a blockage of one of your chakras. I’d suggest meditation. As for Chaos Magick itself, it can be very dangerous if you don’t know what you’re doing.

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IT was only put there originally to furthe the omniscience programming odin and belial and Y’Berion have recently helped to add, the idea came purely from my programming I put in, so I needed to “store” the energy and use it to fix it.

I’ll heal it now, it’s painful but it’s functionally healed

Fair enough.

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I would have to say it’s not that bad, as I have been touching it directly to minimal result, but I see what you mean. I will be hasty in usage of Chaos in the future, thank you.

Hasty or hesitant

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Hasty. I am not afraid, not really, and maybe that makes me crazy lol.

Great quality

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I would hope so >.>