How can you do Semen Retention if you're addicted to PORN?

I know that Semen Retention is suppose to be very powerful, but what if you just CAN’T go for more than 6 days? I mean, men in general are very sexual, and gay guys (like me) are VERY VERY sexual.
I am ALWAYS horny, and also think I’m addicted to porn (doing it AND watching it). Any suggestions? (other than just trying to cut down on the porn). I’ve just ALWAYS been very sexual.


Just watch the porn without beating off.


Porn is progressive because it burns out the neural circuits that were once satisfied but as it digs deeper it gives the illusion that you’re super sexual but really you’re brains craving a stronger hit of the high.

Sex is the biggest high we can achieve, it’s carthatic and you are releasing yourself, giving yourself, until climax; then to a transcendental state where you’re not bounded by the human body during those moments of orgasm.

This is the sacred compartment that porn targets. It’ll fuck your nervous system, gradually giving ‘into’ more perverted and desensitised videos. You just have to avoid triggers such as social media and not going on porn.

All it takes is a bit of self control. Then again, we all struggle with different habits, aim for 7 days, then 10, 14, etc etc. no need to go reddit nofap community hardcore 300 day abstinence. I mean, that’d be fucking awesome. But I gotta cave in at some point. I crave sex it’s apart of my blueprint.



With respect, that’s like someone posting “I’m 100lbs overweight, how can I lose the weight without leaving the couch or giving up my daily cheeseburger binges?”

Everything in life is about cause and effect: the effects you have now are the result of previous causes, and if you change the cause, you will get different effects.

You either defend the habits that are dominating you right now, or, you choose to master those and attain the goal you desire.

I don’t think there is a way to have both, orgasms are nice but if you want the goals of semen retention, you will need to make a choice.

And porn isn’t actually sex, since as @Whitehowlite says, it’s actually rewiring your brain, many guys end up unable to be satisfied by sex with someone they also like and respect, and can only get turned on by things no normal person would be willing to do in bed.

I’m not trying to tell you what you SHOULD do, if you want to continue with the porn, just trying to give a reality check, sometimes we have to sacrifice something great to accomplish something even better. :smiley:


You should quit the porn first.

It’s an addiction.

Once you stop watching for a few months you probably won’t have any impulse to watch anymore.

If you’re going to masturbate think of past experiences, or ones you’d like to happen, as opposed to lusting over 2d images.


Thanks for the suggestions. You’re exactly right. I need to change my habits if I want to accomplish something bigger and better. It’s just hard sometimes. I’ll just have to try each time getting longer and longer between experiences. Now that I think about it, there are a LOT of habits that I need to change in order to achieve better things. Thanks


Don’t try to make it a battle of will. Porn will usually win and there will always be another battle.

Instead avoid triggers. Meaning less time online. Your only allowed on certain websites, only online for certain time, you are going online for a specific purpose, etc.

And get something to replace it with if you want it to stay away.

The 6th tibetan rite supposedly turns sexual energy into higher energy so do that too.


Can confirm strategy beats willpower, whether with a serious addiction or just wanted habits.

There’s Leechblock add-on for Firefox, that’s wonderful, you can set it to limit time spent on a site, restrict what times and days you can view sites, or block them completely, and throw up a custom notice about why to remind yourself, or direct you instead to a site that has motivational info, and I think most other browsers inc. mobile have similar apps or functions available.

I did a working a few years ago required I not raise any sexual energy and often used an add-on to block ALL images in my browser.




there will always be triggers, everyday, you must discipline yourself


A short period of limited exposure can help break habitual patterns though. It wouldn’t be realistic or possible to avoid them forever, but limiting exposure artificially (at some cost of planning) gives time for healthy new patterns to be created, and the gains of the new way of living to be appreciated.


in my case you wouldn’t limit anything, I usually just kept doing what I always have done, maybe even do more shit, all while just telling myself NO when thoughts arise, it honestly sucks tbh but really rewarding when ur an absolute unit


How hard could it be? (yes… pun intended…)


Hard enough to crack diamonds probably.

…I’m not sorry.


Sorry for what?

Im sorry in advance but im going to be a bit of an asshole for a second. You are addicted to porn? Do you want to stop really? I mean fuck of all the addictions out there this is easy shit. Do you feel like your going to die without it? Do you feel like your body is turning inside out. Is it impossible to be comfortable without constantly shaving your carrot? Do you sweat to the point of being way too fucking cold, but when you cover yourself up your way too hot.

Do you feel constant pain without your fix? Do you experience vomiting and diarrhea when you abstain. And when/if you do abstain, do you have all of these symptoms for weeks on end? Are you in constant pain? Do your emotions get to the point of feeling “out of your control” .

I realize you may feel some of these sensations, mildly, but take it from someone whos spent most of their life on drugs, your situation could be worse, your situation could be better. You have to really want it to be better to make it better.

You should have no problem controlling yourself if thats really what you want. Your on easy street man. This is pud spanking, not shoving a needle in your arm.

Im so sorry to be a complete douche about this and i dont mean this as a personal attack. I just want you to see how easy you really have it, and you have the power to take control if self control is truly your desire you have to work for it.


Train yourself to last longer using the porn. Pick longer videos and eventually only do it once a day. Then every other day. Then once a week. Look into solo sex magick as well.


Again sorry if my cranky morning reply was taken the wrong way. Ive battled addiction since i was a kid. My appoligies for acting apathetic, because really i feel great empathy towards people struggling with any kind of repetitive habit that becomes self defeating.

There is no easy answer to make such drastic changes and no change like that happens overnight. You really need to dedicate yourself. Make the logical voice in your head louder than the emotional voice that says “I need this”. Question this thought. Why do you feel you need this, your first answer will probably be something like “because it makes me feel better.”

Then question that thought, why does it make me feel better? What am i trying to escape? And keep questioning yourself until you get to the core root of why. This well help ypu to address and work through that which is holding you back.


Wouldn’t 6 days be plenty of time for a super powered blast of magick goo anyways?