How can i stop being lazy and control myself

hello guys it’s have been a while since i have posted my last topic to this forum i want to take time to thank everyone in this forum you guys are really helpful in my life i have seen big changes in my life since i started following your advices .
Today i have something else that is bothering me i have been struggling with it for years but now i need it to end in all my life i have been suffering with lack of consistency and discipline I’m blessed with a good trading knowledge but during to my lack of discipline and consistency i have always been starting over i don’t move forward but also i have no power to stand over any temptation that comes to me . im very weak and im very scared when im in trouble i need to get power and ability to fight against this situation im so tired with this i need to be equiped the right knowledge that will bring light for me to see what is the way out.
for so many years i have been a dreamer and good planner but never get anything done or at least do something for one month consistently.
i need advice on what to do or what books should i read or any demon who can get me to where i want to go i have been working with salaasash and i have seen good results, and last year i had a chance to be visted by several demon such as Babylon the great and Lucifuge and all that was because of your advises .
thank you guys.


Okay it seems you need to try Ahriman, Aeshma, Akoman, Indra or goetia: Asmoday, Bael


Belial would be my best suggestion. Asmodeus can be helpful as well


I agree with what the other posters said about the spirits able to help with this kind of matter. I personally think King Belial would-be an excellent choice. I’d also like to suggest making routines for yourself.

I read a book on the power of the subconscious mind and it states it takes approximately two weeks for most people to form a new routine or make or break a habit.

Let me give you an example. I’m in the middle of doing a painting for a spirit I’m very close with. Im no natural can gogh! This is hard. It’s a paint by numbers but the spaces are so small some I can barely see. I’ve wanted to out this down and just make an excuse to not finish it.

This would be insulting to the spirit and a demonstration of a lack of willpower and stick with it follow through on my part.

So I make it a routine or a habit to paint when I wake up for atleast an hour or two every day. It’s just like preparing breakfast, getting dressed, making the bed.

Anyway look on the bright side you’ll build self control and will power making goals and following through on them and that will assist you in the art of Magick and pay great dividends.:racehorse::tophat:


Actually considering making myself servitors to help me “get the job done”

Procrastination is a big issue, so much so I haven’t yet read the book I intended to on overcoming procrastination

But I do enjoy experimenting with magick… gonna see if I can put one to work on speeding myself up

Worth a go perhaps

NLP, subliminals, spirits… also


Outwitting the devil. Napoleon hill. This book will show you how to break the habit of drifting.


The only way to not be lazy is strong enough desire to make change in one’s life. If one is lazy they don’t have enough emotions or desire.

The other thing is they have no purpose or reasons to be productive.

Another possibility is lack of direction that can cuz laziness. They are lost and don’t know what to do.

Find a good reason to fulfil a goal and it should be easy to stay on track.



Believe in yourself you can go it

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Have you tried autosuggestion to achieve your goals?


You want to read a book about getting things done?
No, dude.
Get. them. done.

Otherwise all you do is evading the elefant in the room.


Caffeine helps me. Remember to breathe right too. Don’t think of everything needed to do, just focus on one. Ask for discernment telepathically on what Spirit would be of great help. There are many that can help.
Better than a mother in law judging you when visiting.

Have had Spirits help with getting organized. Have had Spirits look at me like “There is no place to sit down and you have 4 couches!?!” “A couch is not a book shelf or laundry hamper” Getting rid of things and donating them that you haven’t used in 30 days. Ask for help clearing mind and getting good sleep.

Having ADHD makes organizing difficult so that’s where caffeine plays a part in being tidy for me. Spirits have a sense of humour and wealth of knowledge. You ARE getting things together, not you WILL! Blessings, Lena

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Ha i totally relate have add too, been trying to be a bit more tidy lately xD and have at least the room i do my rituals clean

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