How can I prevent someone from coming on a holiday with us

Hi everyone, I have a bit of a problem. I’ll just call the annoying person in this topic “person B”. I’m going to Thailand in about a month or so and my sister’s friend, person B, is coming. But recently person B has been an absolute asshole to my sister, and my sister has to stay in a room with this fucknuckle for the whole trip. I’m thinking that perhaps I could use magick to injure person B just before the trip so she won’t be able to go (because she’ll be in hospital). My sister said she could suck it up and just deal with it, but I really don’t want her to have a worse holiday just because of this person. We’re paying for person B’s accommodation which is really annoying and we don’t want to make a big fuss of this with other parents, so if anyone knows any way I could prevent her from coming to our trip using magick, please tell me. I’ve never done spells or much magick before so please give me a solution that’s fairly easy to comprehend. I don’t want to hurt her that badly but if that’s the only way then I’m okay with that, I just want to prevent her from coming on our holiday and ruining it. (Also please no death spells, I never want to do those)

Call King Paimon to get her to change her mind.

You can also bring the Law of Assumption into play by playing a scene in your mind of her telling you she isn’t coming on the trip anymore every night as you fall asleep.

This sounds helpful but I am very unexperienced in magick, I’ve never done spells or evocation before so are you sure calling king paimon would be an easy thing for me to pull off?

Yes, you should be able to just open his seal. You don’t have to do a full evocation.

Oh okay, thank you so much. I don’t mean to badger you but what is the experience like? Like, what is it like to communicate with him? Also I have a few other questions

  • how do I open a seal
    -if she ends up changing her mind, I’m not sure if it’d help that much since we already paid for her accomodation, so what do I do to ensure she doesn’t come?
    Sorry for all the questions, I’m just fairly worried and want my sister to be happy