How can I be an angel?

I have a very strong tie to the Archangel Ariel, although, I honestly couldn’t tell you how deep that tie goes.

Malleable, erratic, chaotic, and most importantly, entropic.

To subjugate certain traits and then cultivate others is a long and delicate process.

I don’t dabble in this area, rather, specialize, and while larping takes no effort, I want real and living nephilim.

As real and living they can get, considering the immaterial nature of angels.

I have a direct tie to a host of angels that teach me their way, transforming me to be a closer part of it.

Becoming angelic is the primary goal of my path, which I have walked on for over 15 years.

It is a slow and long path to become angelic, because your human self need to make room for the angelic elements…which rarely happens.

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Best of luck on your path.

What Is this,can you explain??

Maybe you could contact the angelic realm and learn how to ascend to an angel?? Possibly @Shubham1234

I’m a firm believer that the Gods/Creators are very capable of altering an individual’s soul, but not their physical form into another race which I think the OP was wanting but I am unsure if that was the actual direction they meant. Their wording makes it seem so. Just as there’s some demons that are capable of such as well, many have went into making pacts with demons for that very reason for their soul to go through that transition. Personally I stopped working with demons and angels and now work with the Gods (mainly norse now but use to work with different pantheons) and other entities like the Yokai, dragons, Jinn, and such.

But point being, you could try contacting an angel and see if that alternative is possible, I won’t really go all “try being human first hurhur we are powerful beings gods in physical” yada yada because it’s your soul to do with what you will I always say.

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I would like to contain both Angelic and Demonic Powers and Energy Signatures in my Astral,Mental,Causal,Etheric,and Spiritual bodies!!!


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I’m pretty sure angels don’t even make sure that it doesn’t fall apart lol. People put angels in a weird position of power. If anything the Primordial Gods govern that, while angels live their lives and whatever role or job they go for lol.

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Hiya OP! I don’t know about growing wings or going to heaven, but becoming an angel is kind of a major ‘LHP’ goal even if people don’t recognize it. All angels are the intelligences of the functions of reality, operating as hive instances from the microcosm to the macrocosm levels of existence. Whereas deities are incredibly powerful combinations of energies with consciousness, Angels are each one unique type of energy with consciousness- you could say they’re more energetically pure and unique than deities! And since a major LHP goal is apotheosis of the self through complete/powerful individuality or unique self-ness, well, being a completely unique energy type is being an angel. :slight_smile:


Why is it hard? It is just a mixture of energy to create a new being. Can’t different beings do that. Can’t a dragon and a djinn have a child. Or angel and demon?

Why is what hard? also some can, some can’t.

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It’s a matter between being serious about it or just playing pretend.

Goal is possible through many means, but if you just gonna mess around with concepts and meanings, then it is not going to aid your growth in any way.


Listen bud im an angel in human form some what and this shit is weird iight if you really want to be one first be satisfied in your own skin and live in the present moment thats all I gotta say for now.