With only four days left of this month, it only seems fitting that I do a reading for each zodiac sign for August. These are not individual readings, rather one for each group.
I will post the readings in the comments, so please bear with me while I get them done
This will be my first time using only intuition and what comes to mind, so feedback would be appreciated.
Signs listed below with * have been done
I feel for the month of August that Aries people definitely want to make better changes to their life also in terms of love and friendships. They want to open themselves up to receive, but there’s also a type of wall around them at the moment. It’s like keeping everyone at arms length. For finances, whatever you want will manifest but you have to make an effort to do this. It’s all well and good making a petition for money, but what are you willing to do to get this? What will you put in? I have a good feeling that this money will get to you. In terms of careers for Aries that work, you may feel like it’s going nowhere and you may want to quit. Something in your career is distressing you to this point.
I got strong feelings of love and a need to be loved. You can make yourself available if you take that wall away and allow for it to happen. But make sure you don’t force it to happen, or “buy” friendships. I also feel like some people will show their true colors in the month of August, and this may make the wall around you get bigger so you’re placing more boundaries and expectations on others you may meet or contact. When I got the second card for health, I instantly got a headache and strong feelings of anxiety, my heart started pounding. Aries need to focus on this anxiety and work to overcome it, as it is starting to impact their health and if it hasn’t already, I can definitely see it happening in the upcoming month. As for spiritual work, you’re putting too much pressure on yourselves and high expectations that you’re either failing to meet or being afraid to fail. Don’t rush and work at your own pace, move on to something else when you feel ready but don’t feel the need to be the best or become envious of others for being at another level than you. What will happen will come eventually, but I don’t think it’s the time for that just yet. I really feel there’s something else you could be missing before you get to a certain stage in your journey. I feel like someone’s proud of you.
I feel that the month of August will work in Taurus’ favor. I get the feeling that you have plans and projects you are planning and some of you may be working on them. I felt excitement and happiness so this is something that is working for you and giving you a great deal of positive emotions. Some of you may even be thinking of starting your own businesses, and I get the feeling this revolves around handmade products. I saw carved wood in my mind, so some of you are definitely good with your hands and will have success in this.
I feel like Taurus’ health will improve or you will start to avoid letting your health decline. You guys seem to be intuitive, so you’ll know what you’re doing and be able to spot little things that need addressing. I have the feeling you’re in tune with your body during this time. I saw a heart glowing in my mind, a very bright glowing and a clear red color. So I think some of you are healing wonderfully, and will keep that up for this month. For love, I got a sense that an engagement or marriage is on the horizon for some Taurus people that have been in a long-term relationship. I get a “Should I” question, so someone is thinking about this. There does seem to be little issues in some relationships, but everything will be okay. I get a sense of calm, so this will pass quickly. For single Taurus people, someone will come to you but I feel that you may be unsure of them. The choice is yours at the end of the day.
Another horoscope that is coming into money in the upcoming month. I feel this has been in the waiting for a while and its not an instant thing, you’ve waited and worked at it and now you’re seeing the result. I saw a stack of cash so I believe it’s going to come at once rather than in installments.
For a Gemini’s love life this coming month, I sense that it’s not a priority to most. It’s welcomed, but many aren’t actively seeking it. For those already in a relationship, I sense struggles of some kind and drifting apart. Health wise, I got a feeling that mental health is more of a risk than physically. On the outside, you try to appear strong-minded and calm but on the inside it feels like you’re in a vice being squeezed.
Career and money wise is 50/50. There isn’t major issues with any of these, but maybe little annoyances here and there and maybe spending a little bit more than usual. There’s a sense of being “on the fence” about something related to this. Maybe some of you are aware of habits but can’t control them or don’t know how. There doesn’t seem to be new career opportunities at this time.
Spiritual work for a Gemini in August will be struggling. I got a feeling of disappointment and sadness regarding this, and some will question if they should give up or continue. Maybe August would be the time for some of you guys to just sit back and take a little break to refresh yourselves and have that personal time to do the things you want to.
I can’t sense anything wrong for Cancers for the upcoming month, it seems it will all be smooth. For love matters, those that have been reversed and within themselves lately will feel the need to continue with that. I don’t sense anything wrong with this, more like a need to start something new and develop themselves. Those that are in relationships or starting a new one, all will go well.
Money matters will be good but wont come without struggle. You may get that promotion or come into a sum of money, but it won’t be easy. But when it does it will be a time to rejoice.
Health wise it seems some are thinking about something, may point to mental health or you’re thinking about seeing a doctor. If something’s concerning you, you should definitely get it checked out even if it’s nothing at all.
Career seems similar to Gemini’s, being on the fence about something and unable to make a decision. Only you can do this, you will know what’s best for yourself. Finally, spiritual work seems to be going good and will continue to do so as long as you continue doing it yourself.
Ah, Leo. Nothing seems to be going right for you guys in August. Some of you are being way too proud (more egotistical) and it will only come back to bite you. Please don’t take offense to this, but I am going to be honest rather than sugarcoat it.
I’m feeling quite a bit of anger and annoyance as I’m looking at the cards. Maybe you’re in a situation where you think you’re in the right, or your side isn’t being heard. I do sense legal issues for some of you, also and being on the defense. I can’t see it being resolved very well as long as something is denied where there is evidence. Take a deep breath and reevaluate your choices if this applies to you.
For others, you’re not really welcoming change so you’re getting defensive about it. You want to stand alone and do your own thing, but people seem to be on your back which will cause conflict if you let it. Take the space you need, but don’t push others away in the process. This could really be make or break for some of you.
But remember it is always possible to change the path you’re currently on, and nothing has to be bad. It’s really your choices that make it so, but I’m not responsible for anything others do so take the advice at your own discretion.
This reading gave me a slight empty feeling in my chest. There’s some sadness going on, maybe depression, anxiety or other mental health issues. I can’t really give too much advice on that as I’m not a medical professional. Something seems to be going on or has gone on in the past for this to happen.
I sense a type of “backstabbing” and being blind to the truth in this reading. I think someone is talking bad about you behind your back, and maybe you know or have been told but you still don’t want to accept it. This may be the cause for your feelings, not knowing how to go about it. They don’t deserve you.
With the strength card, I do believe that’s a message for some of you to stay strong, that you can overcome this rough patch in your life.
There seems to be a theme of backstabbing and loosing people this upcoming month because Libra people also have the same ahead. It could be yourselves that’s the culprit or others in your life. But it seems like you’ll know what decision to make.
Career wise it seems you have opportunities available, which may make it easier for money to come in. At the moment, money seems to be a problem but it will soon to overcome if you allow for these opportunities to be available.
Love wise, I’m not sensing anything significant. In fact, there’s nothing I can sense about a relationship at all in this reading. If you are in a relationship, nothing will change and the same goes if you’re currently single.
In terms of health, you might be feeling burnt out and on the verge of a mental breakdown but this will soon pass.
So career wise, there is going to be good news and any magic regarding a career will manifest. I feel there is definitely a spirit around you at the moment, who it is I don’t know but I have a feeling it could either be a guide or an entity you’ve summoned regarding this matter.
Love is looking good, also. For those in a relationship you need to open up more, and for those who are single then a new one could be starting in August.
Health is looking good for Scorpios this upcoming month, also. Only a bit of anxiety which seems to be a common theme for August, but it’s nothing major, I feel. It will be easy to overcome once you’ve removed yourself from the negative energy of others.
Spiritual work looks like it’s paying off also, and you’re beginning to take action on something you’ve probably been thinking about for a while. There will be a challenge, but you will be strong enough to overcome it. You are like a soldier.
In terms of love this month, it’s more of a maternal or fatherly love you will give to others rather than romantic love. Romance isn’t the focus in this month. Just be careful not to smother others and let them have their space.
Again, money will come to Sagittarius people this month who have worked hard for it, because as it may be obvious money doesn’t just come on a silver platter.
Career wise, you may be feeling like you’re not sure which path to take and you feel stuck on pleasing people and putting co-workers before yourself. They may be putting their work onto you, not giving you much of a choice. Always put yourself first, don’t worry about others. If they can’t finish their own jobs, then you shouldn’t do it for them and let them get the credit. (Expose them if you have to lmao).
Health wise, there’s nothing much wrong! Seems mentally you’re feeling lonely and burnt out, or you feel like you can’t do much. Maybe you’ve lost friendships, or feeling lost after cutting people off. You don’t have to forgive them, but forgive yourself and have strength. You are wonderful.
There seems to be fear and worry regarding spiritual work, I get the feeling you want to evoke but you’re thinking of “what if” situations and the worst outcome of evocation. If you can help it, put those worries to the back of your mind and maybe start with an easy entity until you’ve found your feet.
So for Capricorns who have children, this month would be about giving them the best life, raising them the best way you can and leading a fulfilling life. For single capricorns, this is hinting that someone from the past who you was involved with romantically may come back. I say may because I can’t say for sure, if they do it really depends on if you welcome it or not.
There may be a financial problem for some of you,which seems to point legally for some taking action and standing up for what they know is right. One person may remember things differently, but ultimately you will come out on top.
Career wise you may be seeing accomplishments that you worked hard to achieve, which could put you in the spotlight. You may love it or hate it but just feel proud of yourself for having accomplished this.