Hoodoo ammonia spell curiosity

I’ve seen someone say that they almost ruined a marriage by making one, I made one before and got what I wanted even though it was a silly request of me for my first ammonia jar it worked. I did put in work for it too, the silly thing is it wasn’t even a jar that I used, I didn’t even have tape to tape it and used an empty water bottle. my question is, however, if I were to make one in order to cause fighting between people who are NOT yet fighting, how would I word it?.

Would I do it the same way? Example: “Person A, And person B are Not getting into arguments” for the fighting to manifest (note that I already have work done that could make it happen but no fights has happened yet.)

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Most of these I cannot do because it requires me to be physically there, or I don’t have the ingredients. I might go ahead and do the ammonia jar and salt and pepper jar, I already have a sour jar made that I’ve been shaking. I need a quick booster to speed things up thank you for this by the way

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thanks i’ll just need candles

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I know my first jar was a pickle jar, I added milk to it a little while ago.

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