Hit a wall in my life or cursed *again*?

After smudging the house, I did definitely see a personal difference in how energy was used in my body. I regained something I thought was lost as well. Once again my thanks to everyone who has assisted me with this issue. It may not be put to bed but normality is returning.

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You need to beat her at her own game astrally and in the physical world.

Remember, she will be infront of you one day and that’s the day you get your spiritual closure against someone who hurt you.Prepare for the day like an exam and that’s when you slay this blood sucking ghost.

Also a word about your root chakra.Abstain from sex for a few months and cleanse your root chakra.She has probably sucked most of energy from them and still is doing it.

Patch up any leakages there astrally and cleanse and purify yourself.Some people just leave us feeling dirty about ourselves.

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Thank you for the further information. As for abstaining, it has been much much MUCH longer than a few months soo…haha I think my chakra is cleaned, polished, born again and reincarnated at this point heh.

Yes I intend to show her I am not a toy to be played with and if there is something to these common claims that I have some knack for this, she wont be bothering me for much longer. I am patient and will let these revelations come naturally. Thank you again for the recommendations. You have been a huge help.

I have also committed all of this to paper as all this information was incredibly appreciated. A few days ago I did not really know where to start. Now I have a guideline for when things go south.


Sage your self has well. 2 years ago I had started doing Limpia on my husbands stuff when he came home from a trip back east.- I also left the egg underhis bed to pull the bitches claws out of him… I started taking pictures each day of the egg afterwards- holy shit the stuff he had brought home was fucked up. So fucked up he turned against our sons. I started saging and placing little bowls or containers of back salt in rooms… I still do this. Now that I feel my house is somewhat cleansed I call on Lucifer- the Love and Light of Lucifer to protect me and mine. I have wards up and all kinds of protection… Someone once said that I was the only witch that could curse myself this badly… I feel that loving a man staying to raise your sons is a Curse… but one I would endure again and again.

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Thank you for the recommendation, @damia2hell. I appreciate you adding to this. I believe the sage has already given me back something I have lost and it makes sense why I lost it…but it is a ridiculous thing to take from me…regardless…I still have to keep banishing since the tenacity of this woman is largely unknown to me. If she has done it multiple times before, she may do it again. That is unfortunate that you and your family had to endure that. I hope the precautions you have taken are keeping the peace.

What is the vinegar jar spell? May you please share some protection magick?

Any way to tell of a curse or hex…I heard a few, but anything promising? Or is it better to just be proactive immediately and stop wasting time figuring it out in the process…?

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I had a similar experience with an ex. We mutually parted ways in 2015. However she continues to sling mud, make problems for me, and the new person in my life, soon departed after the ex contacted her. Again bear in mind we have not communicated in nearly 3 years. I have found the only way to handle this type of self proclaimed “Christian” (hypocrite) person is live your life on your own terms. Hypocrisy is not attractive and soon others will figure things out when they come in contact with someone like this. Unfortunately it just takes time.

Some people never learn. That is the sad fact for people who are in a victim mindset. Which she seems to have in spades…again I have not spoken to her in about three years as well…

Edit: Thank you for adding your experience to this thread.

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It’s one of the more creative jar spells you can add vinegar , graveyard dirt , rusty nails , chillies, poppy seeds and whatnot to punish the target.

Have a read here Spell to Overcome an Enemy
I like the idea of the lemon too ( as per the link)


Thank you!!! so cool…you know you are meant for this work when a spell gets you horny



I accept the oddity of my excitements…hehe

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I have same/similar thing! But moreso he was once part of some sort of order/coven group, and oh my he seemed to know his stuff… but when he broke up with me some abnormal freeky stuff happened to me consistantly (improving now but not free from it) that I opened my eyes moreso of what adept magic can actually acheive. Im lucky Im alive in my appinion… hes still renting space…and my energy is not fully back, but I wish I could learn proper magic somewhere that will teach me to proctect and be my own divinity other than crawl and be at murcy to other magicians magic… its just not normal!..