Hit a brick wall

I have a goal that my divination pointed toward success. But, I seem to be stuck. This isn’t a matter I wish to make known to the public. If someone would be willing to pm me and help me figure out what to do that would be amazing. Thank you!

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Even though you have done the divination are you constantly thinking about the outcome 24/7? If so that could stagnate the outcome and make it take longer to manifest. Forget about the reading you did and move on to something else for a while.


I haven’t performed anything yet because I don’t know how to go about my situation. I actually find myself forget the situation for day to weeks at a time.

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Well you can pm me if you wanna keep it private and i can see if i can help you. :slight_smile:

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A roadopener rite could help clear any unforeseen obstacles. If you do a search there was a thread made on this a few weeks ago. Then you can roll with the opportunities that arise or do another ritual/s to draw what your working towardsor break it into small parts if its a long term goal.


also while it’s on my mind if you need some “spiritual explosives” as it were you could charge a road opener candle with with the planetary forces of mercury and Saturn or the sun or all 3 if you feel it is needed. Saturn is good for binding and banishing, sun is good for exorcising things, including obstacles

i have an idea for the A-bomb equivalent Buuuuuuut i’m gonna have to try that one myself as it combines multiple planetary and elemental energies and with just 1 planet and 1 element ive had candles go all sorts of crazy on me lol

if anyone decides to experiment be prepare for potential extremes in phenomena while the candle is burning down. As well as the potential for literal upheaval in life as the energies work to manifest.


Definitely not something I have thought about, thank you for the reply. Much appreciated :grin:

What divination are you using?

If Taro, get yourself a second deck which you only use for Magick. Select appropriate cards, consecrate and charge these. Keep these separate until success. It’s called Active Taro and hardly anyone does it. Why? (Don’t use the same deck for divination and active Magick because you’ll fuck up the energies.)

If runes, design runic inscription, then paint with blood - using the chewed foot of a match (spit). Paper works fine as does wood.

Learning the piano takes time. So does Magick. And you have to practice both.


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For this case I used I ching

Great! More people should use the I Ching for a whole lot of reasons.

OK. Find a hexagram that sums up what you want or change the lines in the Hexagram you drew until it is what you want/need then draw a small Hexagram with your own blood.

After that, put said blood Hexagram away, say in an unused paper envelope, clap your hands a few times, force yourself to laugh, maybe smack yourself across the face a few times and forget. Wash your face. Have a drink. Watch TV with music playing. Snap out of it as quickly as you can.

And keep up the I Ching. It answers on a shorter time frame and more material in outlook than the Taro. O! And keep notes in your Journal.



The hexagram isn’t a method I’m familiar with, is there a read anywhere to learn on it? Plus, is it the same concept as making your own sigil?

When you perform an I Ching reading you get a hexagram. So why not just choose a hexagram and consecrate it into your life, like a sigil?



I interpreted that differently. I get it now, thank you! I will definitely test this out.

The thing is, everyone does passive divination but hardly anyone uses divination actively. Why is that?

I Ching and Taro represent energies. ‘My divination advises some aspects that I’ll just have to let happen to me…’

‘My divination advises some aspects that I’m going to correct by invoking into my life some compensatory energies!’


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I prefer using Runes that way, making things happen instead of waiting for them to take their own route.

Wanted to make an update with recent events as an example for the upheaval i mentioned can happen with road opening rites. Did a simplie candle ritual saturday, insanity over the last 3 days has resulted in a work truck getting Molotoved, 2 coworkers quitting, the company i work for getting a fuck ton of repair jobs and my checks goin up by 300 or so a week and a hell of alot more work. This is also the first road opening rite ive done since i started working with black magic of Ahriman, not sure if it is the reason things kicked off so fast. But as i said they can be used as spiritual dynamite lol

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