Hi, I've been unintentionally traveling to a different dimension, and I've been able to take people with me

I’ve had a few similar incidents in the last 25 years. My problem is that I panic. I do not like how it makes me feel. My issue is that I like being in control. I notice that this happens when I am in deep concentration. It could be typing, reading, etc. There is a shift that happens. I am also able to feel it physically and see things change in my surroundings. But, the experience I had when I was 13 years old was the most intense. I remember it like it was “yesterday”. I can almost feel it as I’m reminiscing.

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Ya sound to me that this is a dimension I like to hear more about. Keep us posted if you return with any of those traveller that you first brought with you. Did you feel any presence of sentient beings when you were their ?

I was also in a concentrated state when I entered it. However, dissimilar from your experience, I am fearless of this realm, and also filled with an overwhelming love and calmness. I also feel very powerful, while operating within this realm.

I’m thinking based on your description, we might be entering into two different dimensions. Strange, since we are both entering these alternate dimensions in a similar fashion: unintentionally, and while deep in thought.

I’ll definitely keep you all informed!

It depends on who I take with me - we did during the particular time mentioned in my post. It felt like reconnecting with long lost family ancestors. Like there was a oneness that connected my friend and I to more than just each other in that moment.
Both other times I did not get that sense.

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I’ve only heard and read stories online, I don’t know them personally. At least, I don’t think I do!

We’re you scared at all? That sounds like an awesome experience only possible with lsd or weed or something idk but yea pretty crazy it happened sober ,

No fear ,whatsoever. Which is a little alarming haha. I look forward to my next return. I just hope to learn more about this place so I can gain a better respect of my surroundings there, and figure out how I’ve been able travel to this dimension.


I can do this (albeit a bit unreliably) by taking the deepest breath I can and forcing it down into my lower tan dien. I hold that for a while then exhale. It is not uncommon for me to begin glossolalia in the physical once it has overtaken me. It lasts probably less than a minute.


Interesting, have you gained extra abilities or noticed any changes since you’ve activates this part of you as well? What do you perceive is happening?

To be fair I may have responded too quick not sure irs the exact same thing but it is certainly similar. I really have no clue what’s happening. My best hypothesis is because I’m a smoker the deep breath is flooding me with oxygen and I’m nearly passing out from the head rush, but my spirits say otherwise and that seema off.

Ill continue to meditate on it and ill be watching this thread.

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A thought on your meditation do you use candlelight and intense when you guys meditate or access the dimensional plane or do you just go in to a mediative stage ?

Neither for me, it’s happens automatically.

Oh ok natural traveller nice I understand :pray:t4:

I feel like I’ve read this before too… Strange…

Well welcome to this dimension if your experience plays out anything like mine you have traveled to a very strange place! :smiley:


Weird, I also feel like i’ve seen your profile on here before, but you are new. I must have imagined seeing you around, aka predicted your arrival.

something about you definitely feels familiar though.