Hi, I am from Brazil! and i need your help!

soo, Sorry, I’m using google translator.

I’m reading about goetia and here in brazil this has become a great fashion! I use magic here in Brazil, it turns fashion! we have a totally Brazilian religion that works with magic is called umbanda, but since it is a religion founded by blacks who work with spirits that have already been BLACK PEOPLE and Indians, Brazilians are extremely prejudiced. But that’s not what I want to talk about, I’m thinking of invoking Orobas for a task, I have everything prepared, but I’ve heard that it’s not good to evoke a daemon at home, I have nowhere to do the ritual except in my house, and I will not be hypocritical, I still have a ‘Christian’ thinking I have a little fear the daemon really be a bad spirit that can take my soul, help me!


I know that I have to study a lot about Goethy, and Goetia that I will work will be Sallomão’s, I want to work with Orobas because I read that he was the ‘friendlier’ spirit. I will only be sure if I work with him and feel his vibration .


It is okay to evoke this demon at home, a lot of people here, including me, evoke demons in our homes. :+1:

You can evoke him and command he does not hurt anyone in your house. This is like inviting a guest and insiting they do not smoke cigarettes in your house, be polite but serious to him.

Also, please introduce yourself a bit more, tell us for example;

• Your name
• Photos if you’re comfortable
• Kinds of magick you like
• Current goals
• Current struggles



Most here have no problems summoning demons in their home. However if you use the traditional grimoire approach of threats and curses to compel the spirit,you may be setting yourself up for trouble.


LOL. I KNOW, I’m very afraid of this, I do not think fair with the spirit, I invoke it and still get angry at it when it did not do anything to me.

my name is Filipe, i live in brazil
i m 24 years old, i love natural magic,magic without dogmas, no religion, Do you believe that the spirits of Goetia are really demons? or that they were so named because of Christian influence? I think that the only spirit of the Goetia that really is one, demon is belial, he always asks for sacrifices with blood, a spirit of light would never ask for it.

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I worked with Belial quite a bit. I never made sacrifices to him and never had trouble.


Really? my God, I still have a very ‘Christian’ view on daemons, sometimes I think they are never-human spirits, and sometimes I think they were classified as demons by the Catholic church.

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Treat them with respect and approach them as friends and potential mentors and you should be fine. While they have a different way of looking at they world, they are not inherently evil or hostile. These spirits were around way before Christianity so you would be best served by suspending any Christian ideas that you have about them.


Não use o método de evocação de salomão!
Se puder compre o ebook do koetting evocando a eternidade, se não poder da uma pesquisada aqui no fórum, sério cara, tem muita coisa boa, muita coisa poderosa!

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…well i do my rituals in my bathroom i use to be afraid of them but im not anymore they are wonderful when yo work with them as far as religion when you learn the truth im sure you will walk the path with us…

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What kind of evocation should I do then? I do not want to irritate the spirit nor dominate it, I do not want to sell my soul too, I just want to do it right!

Você não vai vender sua alma… Só fazer uma oferta… Procure no Google Orobas vk Jehannum e veja qual oferta essa entidade gosta… E tem vários tutoriais aqui… É só ir no ícone de pesquisa e escre er tutorial

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thanks, :corar:

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