I’m somewhat new to magick in general, but I know a few things…
Right now, I’m focusing on inner power, energy work, and the properties of souls.
I’m somewhat new to magick in general, but I know a few things…
Right now, I’m focusing on inner power, energy work, and the properties of souls.
Welcome @GhostGirl Please tell us about yourself. This post doesn’t really meet our intro requirement.
Where are you from?
Do you have any practical experience?
If so, what, exactly, do you practice and how long have you practiced?
Do you follow any specific system or tradition?
What are your areas of magical interest?
I’m in North America. ^^
A little. Just a bit of personal work and magickal dabbling. If pressed for a firm answer though, then I’d say no.
Meditation. (Very) basic energy control. Dabbling in future projections. Other miscellaneous stuff.
I do not. I am a bit chaotic!
As said, I am interested in inner power, energy work, and the properties of souls.