Hey,you close to King Paimon, I need you!

I wish I could help others like you, because I was in this kind of needs also. It’s hard to get into magic for the first time. But keep believing and have faith in yourself. It will work. You will contact the King soon I hope. King Paimon is also my favorite.


thanks for your words!!:black_heart: through a person close to him I have already sent my message, even if surely he had heard me during the evocation! and you know what he said … that will help me but first I had to be me to help myself !! I thought: damnnn, ice cold !! I was so bad, after all the thoughts of love towards him … but I know why he did it, it was hard but he was right! and in fact I’m here stronger than before! I’m making small progress with my path … ahhhhh I love all this! I hug you guys!

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and I must admit that I was very bad that I even started crying! :crying_cat_face::joy_cat: then I went out to walk with my dog ​​I turn around and read a car: THE KING. strange coincidence eh ?? :upside_down_face::upside_down_face:

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