
You should indeed relax. Nothing bad will happen from a thought that you didn’t even mean. And many spirits are actually human friendly. So, you really shouldn’t worry about it.

When people talk about offerings, the mostly mean small things that you can buy. So, it’s really okay.


It would only take your family if:

  1. You wanted it
  2. You needed it (they were abusive and you needed to be saved)
  3. Your family wanted it
  4. Your family needed it
  5. It seemed natural and normal to you because it aligned with a reasonable timeline
  6. Everybody was ready for it
  7. You continually reaffirm everything you’re conscious of on your end

Otherwise, something will happen to cause it to fall through.

Like for example, I’m married to Satan, and he’s killing my parents, but it’s something that meets all the criteria above. You can tell from their lifestyle that they don’t want to live anyway (drinking, smoking, deadly food). My mom’s religious belief is that she’s “going to glory” when she dies (Heaven) and that this earthly life isn’t as important as her afterlife. They’re comfortable with being mortal. My mom’s biggest fear is going to Hell, not something that could happen to her physically. They’re old enough that it’s time for them to start going downhill, considering their lifestyle choices.

It’s also the only way I can survive.