(HELP) Working with Icelandic Runes

Ok I want to start working with Isleandic Runes
( https://youtu.be/RdlPU9q5q7w?si=QcRn2dIY7ciwRHGW )
I saw this video and I thought it would be a good idea to start working with what’s mentioned in there… But how should I do that? I have to ask permission to a certain spirit that is in charge of the rune system in order to use these symbols in a safe way?
What if I start using them out of nowhere and things go wrong?

There’s no spirit you need permission from. Runes are “keys” that basically symbolize concepts on the path of life, and rune staves combine multiple runes into larger concepts.

Arith tells you right in the video how to use them, no? You can also get the Galdrabok (on Amazon) that lists a bunch and how to use them. Like if you want to kill livestock draw the rune in one of it’s footprints. These are from 500 years or so ago so they don’t have a lot for modern needs, you will have to get inventive for that.

If you miscalculate and picked the wrong stave for the wrong job most likely nothing will happen.

What else can happen is you do not pay attention to your spiritual hygiene, you do lots of baneful runestaves, which are often baneful, and the rule of “like attracts like” brings dark energy in the fprm of parasites and bad luck. To avoid that use the Aejishalmr as part of your protections, e.g. wear it as a pendent (you can get tons on etsy or abay etc.) and be careful to banish and cleanse after using baneful magick.

For more books someone posted a couple more books here:

Note: I corrected the spelling in your title so that it will come up in searches in future. If you are searching online be careful of the spelling or you may not got great results. There is no “s” in Icelandic spelled the English way at least.


Thanks a lot! That was very informative :black_heart::clap:

The thing here is that I used one of those rune staves and everything around me started to get a bit chaotic, I even saw spirits attached to the one of the symbols so my first thought was: Wow, perhaps it’s dedicated to someone and perhaps that entity is pissed because I didn’t ask for permission.

The next thing that I’m going to do is to cleanse my area just in case, parasites do exist.

That’s interesting, which runestave did you use? Did you cleanse the space and set up wards to prevent opportunists before starting? The Nordic tradition is very connected to the land and it’s spirits, the elves, wights and trolls, did you feel it was land spirits that noticed you using it?

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I used pjófastafur, against all thieves because someone was taking money from me and it worked pretty well the first day but after that I started to lose my money again, my dogs were getting sick, people around me started acting with psicosis and then I had a dream and that’s where I saw the spirits and they were pretty pissed at me, that’s why I’m no longer using that rune stave.

And yes, I banished and cleaned the area during that process, and honestly I don’t know the nature of said spirits I should use a divination method to see whats going on.

This sounds like two different things. The stave worked, but triggered or attracted something else.

I don’t find what that particular stave is intended to do exactly but that may be important. Again, like attracts like, but also if it was baneful it may have kicked off protections in the targets and got you some backlash. What exactly is the intention of that stave?

Did you ask them why? It seems their opinion is key.