Here’s a awesome unbinding method which can be used for removing any binding.
Take a shower if possible take a salt bath it works best.
Lay down a white clean towel on the floor, lay out four white candles.
Meditate on the flowing water off the shower or the still water in the bath. Feel the light within the water the cleansing properties rise to the surface becoming white bright light.
As you clean yourself visualise brown dust like energy float off you. As you do this visualise the light sink into the pores of you’re skin absorbing it. Inhale and exhale the negativity and keep doing it as you cleanse yourself.
Once done and glowing step out of the bath/shower backwards feeling a resistance snapping from a rope. Stand on the white towel and visualise from the white towel a beacon of astral light. Above you it’s connected to a golden orb, which is the soul force.
The light which flows through the realm of extroverted soul.
Pull that light in feeling pure, feel the empowerment and say.
“All bindings are annihilated, all chains are broken, the links are disintegrated by the powers that be. Free I am rising from the ashes as the immortal Pheonix”.
Feeling a fire within you, you’re power returning, you’re spirit of freedom.
Allow you’re body to air dry too.