Help with Soul Travel/Astral Projection

Thanks’ @Mulberry.
I will probably look up that YouTuber and will definitely see what I can find about remote viewing.

Although when it comes to lucid dreaming, I seem to be unable to do that which is hopefully only because I (surely surprisingly enough to anyone other than me) don’t have any way of getting or using a dream journal.

Plus even if I did, I don’t remember anything to write down even during the exact second I wake up.

It’s as if I simply almost never dream.

Anything that might be a dream is remembered in such a way that I can’t tell if I was really dreaming or just imagining things while not fully conscious…
Or in most cases,there is really just nothing remembered at all.

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@Mulberry Ah yes that Matrix quote.
Didn’t think the mind could make it THAT real though.

It doesn’t even sound like something possible in real life.

Having something experienced only by your mind effect the physical body in such an extreme and clear way.

I’m not saying you are wrong or anything but that sure seems a lot more fantastic than anything physically possible… even with magick.

Makes me wonder why demons and other spirits don’t have physical biological bodies in this plane for all to see.

Bilocation sounds awesome and I definitely want to become capable of doing that.

Ah yes sounds good.
I will learn about remote viewing.

I might try using mantras to focus my mind.

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I wasn’t actually quoting the matrix film :smiley: … “art imitates life”, now, that’s a quote lol

Of course not, in our part of the world, our whole culture has been dumbed down, sorcerers literally hunted down and exterminated and people told only the church coud talk to god directly and anything else was heresy. Children are told to stop being silly when they talk to “imaginary” friends and either shut down their psychic skills or hide them. You’ve had it trained out of you since childhood.

But the fact is, all humans are psychic and telepathic and have many more senses than we’re allowed to acknowledge. A lot of other cultures to still respect these skills, they are real and they are skills that while some are naturally gifted in them, anyone can learn. :slight_smile:

The person who reports this is Lyn Buchanan, who worked for the military Stargate program where they used remote viewing as part of the cold war effort. You can find his interviews on youtube talking about it and see if you think he’s lying.

It’s used as a training example of why learning rvers need to be cautious. Imagine being asked to rv a kidnaping to find out where the person is and if they’re still alive, only to suddenly feel like you’re the one being kidnapped, it’s real and it’s happening to you. This is real work that is done daily for police forces today. But it’s hard on the viewer to have to see that, it’s better to stay not fully immersed really. He teaches the skill and so do others if you search for it, it’s out there. Farsight also teach another kind of rv that is less rigorous in structure and paperwork but also good. Both have been developing on the work started by Ingo Swann who wrote a ton of books about it.


Amazing. I didn’t think the military ever had anything to do with psychic stuff or magick.
This project Stargate sounds surprisingly interesting.

Every time I hear your mind makes it real, I instantly automatically think of Morpheus telling that to Neo when he bleeds and says “I thought it wasn’t real”.

Just like what Dumbledore says to Hairy.

“Ofcourse it’s happening inside your head’Hairy.
Why should that mean it’s not real?”.

Yes I see how some things might be best with less immersion.

 Still will be a lot more fun though.....

even if it does mean being careful is advised.

Not just the military :smiley:

Depends what you’re doing I guess. If the instruction you give to your subconscious is “go to my favourite beach” you’re probably good, but it might not be interesting enough to keep you there. The mind is attracted to stuff that’s moving, complicated and interesting. This is how spirit bottles for protection work.

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Yes and then if you were fully immersed in an out of body situation where you are drowning in millions of astral cockroaches, you will probably never sleep again.

And at worst, might theoretically manifest roaches into your normal physical life.

Luckily I have not experienced that.

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For sure. Look what a tough time H.P. Lovecraft had with it. When you’re a natural psychic and have zero support to put your visions in context and help you navigate them in a meaningful way, they mess you up.

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