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I am an artist and it is time to turn my art into a brand. I don’t want to associate my real name with what I do. I have found the perfect pseudonym. It is a tongue twister that becomes an earworm. It is easy to remember, easy to write, easy to turn into a logo. Domain name is still available and this is important. It represents me, and that is the problem. Although it is the perfect bunch of letters for marketing, it represents a darker part of me. Think of it as something along the lines of “sad&depressed”. I don’t want anymore of that energy in my life. I know that the name i choose will have to become my alter ego. At the very least my art will be consumed with that energy in the mind of my peers. And it will turn back to me.
I need help with deciding whether to ditch the name and choose something like “flowers&butterflies” which will not have a connection with me, or stick with it and protect myself. If so how? I can’t banish a part of me from myself.
Actually, yes, you can. Use the I.O.B method popularized by Donald Michael Craig in his book Modern Magick:
Identify - Know what you’re dealing with ie the energy this name represents.
Objectify - Call the negative energy out and give it a form. You have named it so now establish it as something external to yourself. Basically, you’re giving form to your own inner demon.
Banish - Cleanse, purify, or otherwise release the energy to be dispersed into the ether. Treat it as you would any negative entity. Get rid of it, or alternatively, bind it so that it serves you constructively.
Do I call the pseudonym as a separate entity and bind it for maybe later use? I would not want to banish the name altogether because it has to represent me. And also it is me in a way that i control and harness from.
I need some sad not all the sad.
Or do I think too much?
Yes, you can bind it instead of banishing it. Basically the technique is to externalize the aspect of yourself as an entity separate from yourself and then bind it the same way you would bind any spirit.
Make friends with it then. Externalize it as a separate entity and talk to it. Acceptance of its place in your life will mitigate any negative energy it may have.
Thank you, thank you, thank you. You are great.
I really wanted to use that name but afraid. You showed me the way.
Did I say thank you?
Anyway, thank you