Help with noisy homeless blasting music , which demon?

Have you ever heard of War Water? It is some nast ass stuff that is used to get people out.

It’s pretty simple to make. It contains rusty nails and other stuff; I forget all the ingredients but a simple search on google will show you the way.

But anyhow you douse any and everything around the target with this water to make them leave. I personally would flood that damn alley with War Water then sprinkle an ample amount of Hot Foot powder on top of that!

I get creative when it comes to getting rid of people. Banishing, binding and hotfooting are the go to’s. War Water is taking it up a notch.

But I feel you. Before I recently moved I had the most noisy, trash family that lived beneath me. And the neighbors arcoss the hall had a dog that never shut up barking. I hotfooted them until the dog neighbors moved away and the beneath me people quieted down and actually told me, “God bless you one day!” :rofl:

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If i sprinkle it , it would affect me too. i live above him. too close to target

Well not if you don’t intend it to. You can make potions, oils, waters and powders that are aimed at specific targets. I do it all the time. Some stuff I make is general purpose and some stuff is for a specific target.

But if you feel that you would be affected by your own tricks then that is the energy you are putting into it.

I’ve used things on people who live directly below me and across from me and it worked like a charm. I did make sure to do a heavy cleansing and warding after but that was it. But to each their own.

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Hey wisepup (at the risk of sounding like an annoying gom fanboy that recommends all their work) I want to ask you if you tried angels of wrath?
There is a ritual there for “forced exile”.
I agree with this approach; If you can’t convince them to chill out, kick them out of your life :thinking:


I have that book. I tried it. wasn’t successful. It’s kinda hard to exile when they can’t find other place to rent cheaper due to rent control.

It didn’;t last long. He starts to play early music when he wakes up. Loud too shaking the floor. I know he’s doing it on purpose. He turn his subwoofer on so it vibrate floor a bit. The problem is it’s daytime and i hesitate to tell the manager because it would be bothering him too often and fall into harassment cuz it’s not curfew. Sometimes too much complaint will make you look like the bad guy even if your right.

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This thread was started last Oct. '19. At this point, imo, it would be less time consuming for you to just move. Seriously.

The amount of energy and time you have already wasted with magickal attempts that either don’t last or are unsuccessful seems a little telling about your magickal “abilities”. You don’t seem capable of removing them so why not just remove yourself instead.


learn to stop complaining and just accept it. But by all means continue living there and trying until the end of time wisepup.

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@Single_Seed_In_Hell That’s stupid idea to move. I’m not moving. Living here for 38 yrs with rent control. How stupid am i if i move? the rent is way crazy. i’m paying 4 /5 times less then market rate for 1 bedroom. I’m not stupid to move. Would you move when you have this good a deal? And it’s my parents place. Can’t move out with high rent in bay area. Can’t afford to. Not everyone can just pack up and move without worse consequence then sstaying here.

Granted magick isn’t 100% . It’s still a lot better then before. It’s very stupid of you to have attitude of giving up. Nothing worth while is with giving up. No retreat no surrender. You fight for your rights. This why there is wrong in the world. NO one stands up and give up just cuz it’s not easy. I don’t accept wrong doing. Simple attitude. No compromise. The moment you give up . you lose yourself.

Also i got the noise with homeless gone pretty much. So magick is working. on that aspects. Now it’s just the crazy neighbor… which will take time. Magick isn’t instant like you assume.

Well it was just a suggestion. And in life, no one wins every battle. Part of being wise is knowing when you have been defeted and accepting that.

Sometimes things happen for a reason. Maybe you had a good run in that apartment but that was when it was “good”. It doesn’t seem to be anymore.

Yeah the rent may be great but now you’re paying the price by sacrificing your piece of mind. But everyone has choices to make and I guess you have made yours.

Hypothetically speaking, what if the homeless never leave? What if this is the way it is going to be until the end of time? Are you prepared to dig in your heels and keep throwing magick, that doesn’t work, at them for the rest of your life; instead of just moving?

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IT was not a good suggestion to give up. There is no defeat in life. It’s not about such ideas. This issue is a learning lesson of perseverance and test of will. Would you fall and crumble just cuz life isn’t easy? Others have it worse. why would i move out into homelessness to make my life worse? You know how crazy the economy right now is with the virus. why even thinking of moving out?

the homeless has been dealt with. They are still there but they quiet at night. So that issue is solved. The less noisy homeless is there rather than noisy ones. So that’s the solution that was given with the magick i assume.

LIke i said. it’s my parents place. I can’t afford to move out. there is no piece of mind when you move and become homeless. And the finance cost. would u move out if u gonna be homeless? which is more piece of mind? not everyone is fortunate to be rich. we do what we can with what we have.

Well as I do not entirely know your life situation I can only give you suggestions based on what you have previously written.

And between staying and dealing versus leaving and becoming homeless? Well the choice is obvious…you stay and deal.

There is always another angle to come at something. Have you tried petitioning for a new place? Like have you put any effort into asking “spirit” to help you find another apartment that is affordable and quiet? Or even simply asking for an actual workable solution for your situation? Have you done any divining to try to see what the best solution would be?

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There is no affordable like this place. One bedroom for 6 bills? you kidding me? you can’t get that price EVer no more. It’s really helping us alot. Without this place we all would be homeless as my parent’s retirement isn’t much. Just enough for basics.

This best solution is to kill the bastard since he don’t listen and doing it on purpose to harrass us. Can’t really prove he breaking nuisance law which is doing it on purpose to bother other tenants since others not living here to experience it. But i’m not good with death magick. lol. I’ve tried all ways of mundane way. That’s why it’s time to try magick to mess up his life. Trade off. he can continue his stupid ways of music blasting or get his life filled with bad luck or worse. IT’s just good practice for me. I think he’s been given to me as a test subject and practice of magick. Either way. he is in the worse end of it. since he don’t want to discuss or talk things out or work things out. I’ve been very nice about this issue with him. He just don’t want solution thinking he’s king to do whatever. YOu know those type of people.

Best solution is him not blasting music and using headphones of which he don’t want to. That’s just basics of which he don’t know. Mofo’s like him need to die. Especially when he’s doing it on purpose and not care. He’s filipino gay too. That somewhat matters as filipino people guy tend to not listen. They got attitude in bay area. All the other gay race people i meet are courteous. Most Asian ones tend to have issues as it’s not acceptable in the culture. Most gay asians are disowned causing social issues.

I need to do more petition. this time maybe with lucifer as suggested by another.

Okay I understand. Moving is not an option.

But I’ll just say this one last thing. Maybe try revisiting the idea of the war water I suggested. Put it in a spray bottle and (discreetly) douse their apartment door with it. Just because they live below you doesn’t mean it will affect you too. If you sprinkle hot foot powder across their doorstep how would that effect you? Direct the curse energy at them directly. But in the end what you choose to do is up to you.

Well that’s all I got for ya wisepup. Best of luck with this.

war water and hot foot powder is hoodoo magick. I’m not verse in that. I won’t try it too as it can backfire. hoodoo magick is not as safe as the goetia with safety rituals. hoodoo is risky when one know nothing of it.

You’re correct. It is hoodoo. Among many other things I am a rootworker. Well I can’t convince someone to use magick they are not familiar or comfortable with. But jsyk hoodoo magick IS just as safe if not safer then Goetic work.

Are you possibly confusing hoodoo with Voodoo? Cause they are definitely different. Hoodoo uses roots, herbs and oils like any other traditional magick. In hoodoo you petetion to saints and angels using the Psalms. That seems unsafe and risky to you?

Voodoo is a religion that has its own LOA (Spirits/Gods) like Papa Elegua. These LOA require various sacrifices, some small some great. And yes Voodoo can definitely be risky if you know nothing. I, myself, do not know much about Voodoo thus I do not practice it.

In the complete works of E.A. the fifth book is:
The Spider & The Green Butterfly: Vodoun Crossroads of Power

If you are into E.A. and you are into the Goetica maybe you might want look into this book as well. I mean if I were in your situation I would be open to exploring new avenues. Again that’s just me.

But hey at least now you know the difference between hoodoo and voodoo, cause you didn’t seem to before.


I had a case with annoying neighbours in my vicinity. It was so bad that other neighbours started writing anonymous threats to the owner and putting garbage bags in front of their door and on their car.
The asshole deserved it tho


hoodoo is part of voodoo that is african american origin according to wikipedia but i don’t know if i can trust that source. I don’t work with stuff i’m not familiar with. It’s called looking out for one’s self. Both voodoo and hoodoo can be risky if one is to go in blind.

@bizarre Unfortunately the only other neighbor is below him due to how the apartment is arranged in this building. There’s no next to neighbor s that can hear his music except upstairs and downstairs. The ones next to are separated by laundry and hallway so only sounds can go up or down floors. on this side of the building. . however, downstairs neighbor to him are nice people so they are passive and might also don’t know their tenants right to quiet living. So many people don’t know their rights. Even the manager don’t know it until i mention the law. Yet he still won’t enforce it. Too many people being nice nice rather than doing one’s duty. It sucks to see so many people pleaser that won’t do right when they see wrong. People have such tolerance for BS people. yet they get piss off and do worse for less issue.

Well if it’s “according to wikipedia” then it must be true!:rofl:. Yeah I would not entirely put my trust in that site.

Actually Voodoo is originally Haitian. And hoodoo is not a part of Voodoo. Hoodoo is “American” folk magick, to be exact.

And between the the two of us, I’ll just go ahead and claim expert on the subject since you have already stated that you do not to know much about it.

And I agree I wouldn’t work with things I’m unfamiliar with either. Best of luck to you in regards to your situation.

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a little update. so i couldnt’ handle the bass coming up the floor as it gives me headache so i move my computer to the other room. He still plays yet not as much. And he’s stop past 10pm. Don’t know how long that will last.
I ask dantalion or was it paimon? to change his thoughts to be quiet to respect neighborrs. Also ask another demon to get him sick to death literally. Maybe he’s sick so he don’t play as much. who knows. All i know is that i’m getting quiet time . how long? don’t know. Just appreciative of it. Still don’t know if it’s the magick or cuz the manager told him twice in a week about keeping noise down. Either way. It’s some kind of results. I’ll take it. He’s also home less so that might be why less noise. He tire from work or something so he sleeps earlier. i’ll continue to cast magick for quiet on and off. Right now i’m focus on other magick on another target as I have the urge to cast spell on others. I tend to follow intuition. It never fails me to follow intuition.


Damon Brands Greater magickal angels …I had a bitch of a neighbour who was a complete c*nt and I had to get rid if I could not have got rid of her through magickal means another year and i would have physically murdered her with relish she had no intention of moving but I wanted her gone using the greater magickal angels book I decided on which to use for the circumstances at the time and started an eleven day ritual to get rid of her.
On about day four or five another neighbour came to me and said in guarded tone "watch this space "
I continued with the ritual until the 11 days were finished two days after I finished the ritual I found out from the neighbour that the old bitch had been made redundant and she could not afford to stay in the house any more so she was selling
Exactly seven weeks after I started the ritual she had managed to sell her house and move on, gone within seven weeks that small amount of time to sell a house in the UK is very unusual, these beings can arrange all sorts of things on your behalf and now the close is happy Happy magick Herbie