Help with money

Of course you can jump into evocation first, but having no foundations of your magickal practice, what are the odds of succeeding or even screwing yourself up? Most of the time when people recommend not starting with evocation when you can’t even banish and have barely woken senses, it is because they are trying to help and save the person in question trouble.


Evocation is some very powerful money magick, but there are also many, many strategies you can use to draw money magickally if you do not succeed at first, or even want to build a foundation that builds to successful, ass-kicking evocation. Here are some articles you may find useful:

To answer the original question, though: who to call for money evocations really depends on where your money comes from. I.e., if you want a random winfall, Bune, or if you own a business, Lord Clauneck.

Here are some audio books of a non magickal nature which may also be of interest:

In terms of magickal texts, I like Magickal Cashbook by Damon Brand.

Hope this helps.