Help with Lucifer

Ok, so finally, the time has come. I want to contact Lucifer for the first time. I don’t have any candles, and just one incense. I’m gonna meditate and listen to his enn. Do I have to say the enn or I can just say it in my mind? I want him to help me with some exams I have next week, also, what can I give in return? I’m really nervous about this haha, and I don’t even have my astral senses developed. Also, how can I hear him? If it’s possible I want to talk with him in dreams.


you can offer him choclate :chocolate_bar:
And dont be nervous
Less fear and more respect


Everything is possible for he/she who believes. It’s a bible tekst but it gives you an answer about the dream. He hears your voice and he can hear you saying it in your mind. Candles could be a simple white candle, but without is fine too. Offering a glass of red wine, beer, chocolate…

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It’s okay if you don’t have any candles, I use candles to help me get in trance really. You can just say in your mind, truly is what makes more sense for you, if you feel better saying out loud do it, if you prefer just saying in your mind, that’s okay too.
You said you don’t have your senses developed yet so maybe you won’t be able to hear, see, feel him but this doesn’t mean that he’s not there, he’s there and he’s listening. Usually you can hear him and any other spirit through your mind, a voice that’s not yours inside your mind. See too.
Do the summoning and if you don’t hear, see, feel anything don’t worry, say your intentions, explain that your senses are in developing, ask if he could communicate with you thorough a dream, thank him and this is it. No need to be nervous. :wink:
The offering can be anything sweet, like chocolate :chocolate_bar:

The other day i was staring at lucifers sigil for a while and it started to glow in green
And the lines disappeared but i have read somewhere that when you stare at something long enough the objects or the lines disappear, so i guess its your eyes doing tricks but what about the sigil glowing in green? Is it related to any supernatural thing or just my eyes playin tricks

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Thanks for the answer! I have to leave the chocolate in a table? And for how much time?

Both are good.

Astral senses.

It is.

I believe that’s all about your intentions. So when you stare at some object or some random writing that mean nothing to you and the lines begin to glow, to disappear, it’s doesn’t mean nothing because you’re not putting any intention on that, any energy. But when you’re staring at something with an intention. Like open a sigil and it starts to glow and disappear is mean is opening because that’s your intention, you’re sending your energy to that and energy is how we make magik. So whenever you’re dealing with sigils and they do something like that, glow, disappear, I believe it’s supernatural, cause that was your intention, you sent energy to that and those were the results. A sigil opened. A sigil super energized or something like that.

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