Help with Lucifer

You need to be cautious… this is no joke. Reading your post. Blood is sacred. You have no idea what spirits you could attach to yourself if not prepared. Possibly malicious. You need to form a bond with a spirit and work your way up. Don’t start with lucifer


I know about the blood it is strong thats why Includeded in in my sigils and what spirits can I attach can you further explain what I can mess up


That’s the thing you do not know!!! Until it’s too late!! You need to educate yourself before you jump into action. Study this website. Download pdfs. Get books. Get a quija board. Create a bond with a spirit. Practice tarot. Move up slowly.


I am doing all of that can you at least point me to a book or something I read the Blood Sorcery Bible for the Blood, I know that I can mess up That is why I am using Sigils at least I know which spirits I work with and believe That in case of something bad they will help me if that goes wrong then well I can die that’s it, Last week I might of Died in a car crash I made it out by Magic If they didnt like me they had many opportunities also could of gotten myself in prison as I said they have many opportunities to fuck up my life. I don’t believe that you can work with spirits one leg in and one out. Again thank your for your above advice ^ ^


Good question. When you burn the sigil that’s typically a release of energy meant to send the discarnate off to do X task. Typically when repeating contact it’s best to have one charged sigil for that entity imo. This will pretty much create a portal. Also try get into a bath tub with hot water. Put your left hand up in the air, your right hand in the water. I forgot to mention have your index and middle finger pointed outwards. Imagine white energy streaming into your left and down into your right. Then have his sigil positioned, and chant his enn… Renich tasa uberaca biasa icar Lucifer


Log what they say in some form and judge based on that how accurate they are; this is what I began with, telepathic communication, for a long time, these days people often want to see spectacular phenomena like in the movies before they believe it’s real, which is setting unreasonably high entry barriers, leading to discouragement, and meanwhile ignoring what is probably valid spirit contact a lot of the time.

I have a core shamanism tutorial I created based on the training I did, and I have had people describe what were absolutely perfect first journeys, and yet they felt like failures because it wasn’t like being in a Star Trek holodeck, and this happens even when I specifically included a section explaining that it would not be that vivid!

Take a leap of faith in your own perceptions, every time you ignore them for not being flashy enough, that’s the little normie-world hall monitor in your head saying “but no-one else could have verified this for me, and other people are my god and master, therefore it cannot be real” - beware that trap!

Don’t let the “perfect” be the enemy of the good, of the effective - log the advice and information given, if it’s accurate most of the time, you’re doing well. You don’t need a manifestation solid enough to leave hoofprints on the rug in order to be getting results that place you in the top category pf people who succeed in magick and succeed in everyday life DUE TO magick. :thumbsup:


Most of my telepathic communications take place in my head and are pretty accurate. I find the inaccuracies come from my conscious mind acting as a barrier and wanting to edit the communication like a writer editing a story. Certain words will seem wrong or their might be a delay.

Im greatful because i dont think I would want to see spirits clear as day all the time. Think about how draining that would be. If they really need to tell me something that badly theyll confirm through signs or appear in a dream.

If you want to “see” Lucifer in a dream chant his enn before you go to bed and put his sigil under your pillow. That sometimes works for me but hes the kind to show up when he feels like it.


Yes, I believe in remote viewing that’s termed “analytical overlay” and it is something to watch out for, but it affects all of us in some way so it’s just your mind doing its job, trying to screen things. :thumbsup:


Thank you all ^ ^


How come? That’s where I started and I’m living and Happy and healthy


lol do what thou wilt

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Will do sweetie :wink:




are you joking or ^ ^


That was to me lol. You’ve got nothing to worry about


If you aren’t spiritually strong enough there are negative forces who will gladly hijack your essence and personas!

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explain please or point to info

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We are avatars, your behaviours thoughts and actions will define the forces and entities which will reside in your being as a multidimensional human, law of attraction, you get what you send out, just be careful, sometimes what you want isn’t what you really need, be careful what you wish for so to speak, emotional based decisions can be from outside sources manipulating you, stop acting on impulse and really think about what’s right for you and those you care about!


Just curious why some discourage beginning with Lucifer? He was the first to call me and my experience has been amazing. The only problem is I wish to “feel” him as I did on our first encounter but all I get now is the telepathic communication .