Help with business ideas

I work in aerospace

Wish I knew anything about it.

…there’s a potential buisness opportunity.

Shinri, I order that book at a few others of Damon Brand’s as suggested, tonight I received them and read through the first 30 pages and will start my Daily Practice when I wake up tomorrow. Thank you again for your help and suggestions.

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Of course, glad I could be of assistance. I’d also recommend checking out their blog, and particularly this post on “The Secrets of Money Magick.” The most common obstacle that I see in relation to money magick (and magick in general, really) is desperation. If you can get past desperation and embrace patience, the magick will work so long as you believe that you deserve to receive the money.


I’ll definitely take a look at the post. I’ve gone through my desperation phase, frantically opening sigils trying to win the lottery, mega millions blah blah blah, I’m well passed the desperate stage, and actually the desperate stage finally ended tonight with my sharing the extent of my desperation with my wife. I’m at the point now where I want to learn as much as I can, grow as much as I can and beyond, I have a desire and drive to make a lot of money but at the same time I want to help others, I love to help people, but only those that truly need and deserve help. I have a big place in my heart for veterans, and have what it a dream currently to buy a large piece of property to subdivide into lots and put modular homes on them with the intent of housing homeless vets in an effort to help them get back on their feet and past any blockages they may be facing. There is much more too that dream as I’ve thought it out quite extensively as to how I’d approach it.

That said, I’m ready for the work, I read as much of Money Magick as needed, I read to the point of the “The Daily Practice” and decided that I needed to stop there and follow Damon’s instructions, which I started today and in three weeks I will read more but not until the three weeks has passed as he instructed. This is a journey and I’m now in a place of no hurry and I’m here to absorb as much as I possibly can. Tonight was a massive turning point, more than I could ever express in a post.

Shinri, I do not know you but you making your original post will resonate with me forever, you have no idea how your words impacted me and for that I thank you.

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It seems that the magick is already starting to work on you. Dream big and true, and don’t hold back. Don’t worry about how you’ll get there, for now, for this brief time. Let your mind wander and be free.

It is perfectly acceptable for you to read the rest of the book, to get more of an idea as to what awaits you. In these first three weeks, you may also find some benefit in doing magick to remove blockages related to wealth. The 72 Sigils of Power book mentioned in the text could help, as could Demons of Magick if you prefer demonic work.

Some more mundane advice, I think it is good to assume that you will not get any outside capital before you get your first customer. There is a small chance that you could raise money from some of the three F’s (friends, family, and fools), but I wouldn’t count on it. Plan on using your own money to get things started. I know of many businesses worth millions or billions of dollars that started with just a few thousand (or less) put in by the founder. Focus on minimizing your costs before spending or seeking money (magick may also help with this, in my experience).

You may also find value in learning about business from mundane sources. The Great Courses Plus (which features courses from esteemed university professors) has some great classes that I’ve used, namely The Entrepreneur’s Toolkit, a general introduction to entrepreneurship applicable to any type of business, and Critical Business Skills for Success, which covers the topics taught in an MBA. A few books include The E-Myth Revisted by Michael Gerber and The 4 Hour Work Week by Tim Ferriss. I would recommend reading (or listening to) these after working through the courses.

Thank you for the kind words, I’m happy that I could be of service. Feel free to message me or tag me in a post if you ever feel stuck or think that I could offer a helpful perspective. I wish you the best in all your endeavours :slightly_smiling_face: