Help with business ideas

I know this topic has been discussed many times on here and I know I’ve read a particular thread about what I’m going to ask but I’ve searched for over an hour now and can’t seem to find what I’m looking for, so here goes and I apologize in advance for the redundancy of this post.

Who is the best demon to turn to for help with ideas to start my own business, then continue to aid me in growing it?

I made a post a while back about coming to the realization that I was approaching my magick all wrong try to get lots of money quickly and since then I’ve changed my approach and focused more on honing my senses, meditation, trying to break bad habits ect.

I’m at a point in my life at 38 that I’m sick of working for a company that is ran so haphazardly, if you follow any news at all you might be able to guess which one.

That said I want to start my own business, and have had lots of ideas, but I need help channeling an idea that would work with my strengths so that I may grown the business into some thing great that one day when I’m gone my wife and daughter could take over if they so chose too and or sell to a larger company later on if they didn’t want to run it.

I don’t mind working hard for what I want but I need,

  1. Help with start up capital as I’m not even making it right now where I work. We are very paycheck to paycheck.

  2. Help choosing or coming up with the idea of what type of business to start and if I need to approach anyone to partner with, if any (preferably none) And who that someone is.

  3. Continued workings to make guide me and make sure I don’t make poor decisions with the business once established.

I’ve read in other threads about Bune and Claunek for money help but also Claunek to help watch over a business over time, but I can’t seem to find the thread I read where someone suggested a demon to help with the business ideas, the names that come to mind are King Belial and King Paimon and maybe Azazel but I can’t find that particular thread anywhere.

If anyone can point me in that direction of which demon to work with would be greatly appreciated and again I apologize for the redundancy of this post.


I’ve received business ideas from various demons, the most relevant ones were from Satan and from Astaroth


How were your experiences with Satan I read on here that interactions were very quick, abrupt and too the point, very short and too the point then he was gone and that you better have your shit in order of what you want cause he has no patience for meandering or hesitation.

Also I would need to educate my self on Astaroth as I haven’t read much about him. But thank you for the suggestions.

That is how I generally relate to all entities I work with, and sometimes I’m the one who doesn’t have patience, oh, the marvelous world of owning lesser demons :heart: I mean, none of the beings involved can be like Patrick Star deciding what to order in the Krusty Crab

Hello, you may find the book Wealth Magick by Damon Brand to be quite useful. It contains a complete operation for bringing massive change to your life that will guide you to wealth. I’ve worked with the book myself, and my day-to-day life now is nothing like what it used to be. It has and continues to show me the way to wealth.

On the more mundane side of things, I would start by considering what exactly you want out of this business. Do you want something small that you can operate more or less by yourself, with a few employees? Do you want to raise millions of dollars and eventually sell your business to a big company? How much money do you want to be making?

Some questions on the idea - What industry do you know the best, or could learn more about? What is a problem that people experience that you could solve, or a pleasure that you could provide? Could you do what other people are already doing? Could you do things better?

Some questions on the execution - What do I know that could help me? What could I learn, and how? Who do I know that could help me? How could I meet new people that could help me? What can I start doing now, on the side, to test my business ideas and get things moving? What is the bare minimum that I need to get things going?

It’s good that you have cultivated patience, as this will not be an overnight process, but neither will it take up your entire life. I fully expect to be worth 7 figures (at least) within five years. This is because I have chosen a path that will allow me to realize this level of wealth, and I have been learning and preparing myself to walk this path for over a year now.

You do not need this much to be free and to support your family though, and it may very well not be worth spending your time seeking such wealth when that time could be spent with your family and friends, or just enjoying personal hobbies. It is possible to create a business that can sustain you very comfortably, without it consuming your life.

With all that noted, I will say what I believe to be true for those who know magick. How rich you become is up to you.


Bune, Belial, Clauneck, or Paimon.


I just ordered the book Wealth Magick you suggested, I also saw three other titles of his on Amazon that I ordered as well that felt to me like they would tie in with the Wealth Magick book as I’m on this journey.

I’ve given a lot of thought to the wealth question and I want to be well off, I want to be able to pay cash for a reasonable house and a reasonable house here where I live in WA state is around 700k-950k, I want to be able to pay cash for a car, not have to worry about bills month to month and I want to be able to take my wife and daughter on fun family vacations a couple times a year to build long lasting family memories.

That said, I don’t need to be Marc Cuban or Jeff Bezos and be in that Billionaire club, not that I’d be opposed to it if it happened but I think you can live a simpler life when you’re not at that level, you can live a more low key life, where as if Marc Cuban or Jeff Bezos walked into a restaurant you’d know who they are immediately.

If I could get to where I could sustain say 10-15 million in cash and assets that would allow for the life style I mentioned above and then some and also have a good cushion for emergencies and or other business investment opportunities that may require a 1-2 million dollar investment.

All great questions and as I sit here and read your post over and over, I feel this is where I need the help of a demon that could help open my mind and my focus to something I’m not seeing or an idea that I may have already had but forgotten about because I didn’t write the idea down when I thought of it. For example, I had an amazing idea about a year ago that I’ve never forgotten about, unfortunately I was with some friends and family having drinks, I thought about this idea which I know would have done for me exactly what I want to accomplish above but I stupidly didn’t write it down, nor did I share it with anyone, went to sleep that night, the next day I was venting to my wife that I had this amazing idea and had totally forgotten what it was. Maybe the demon can help bring that idea back to me.

I’m not expecting the demon I work with to just appear and say here is the idea, but work with what the demon knows and has learned about me through our workings to help me and focus me to find that idea.

As far as this paragraph,

What do I know? Unfortunately I do not have a lot of skills, like computers or electronics all together, I unfortunately didn’t go to college to obtain a specific skill set to help me on this journey, my background in previous jobs is all over the place.
As far as who I know, I do not know a lot of business minded people. Again this is one of those where I could use the help of a demon to align me with the correct people and opportunities to gain the extra skills needed.

Another big challenge for me is money for start up capital, or building a model of some product, patents, inventory ect, for whatever this business may be.That again is where I need the help of a demon to align me with cash, because, my job isn’t even paying our regular every day bills, and my credit is horrible which I want to repair but again I have to be able to at least cover my day to day bills first. I work at “the largest aerospace company in the world” but with with the troubles its having overtime is not in my future for extra cash to help me with this.

I greatly appreciate your post and have read it several times just trying to retain everything that you’ve laid out in it for me to think about and I cant wait to get Damon Brand’s books and start reading them as well.


Star small. And as sokn u get a idea write off. Besides damon brand. Its tyrech godess lady fortune, but bfre u do all this bfre invest etc. I higly recomend, baths, uncrossing, open roads etc to move obstacles and go smoothly in you path.


Belial was such a fiery and intense catalyst for me starting my buisness a few months back. I lost a lot in the process and my life really got turned upside down but in just over 7 months I doubled my income, owned my own buisness and had an employee hired. A lot of growth pains, and things moving reallllll fast.

Best of luck. I’m very much just starting my journey bit this far it has been the best decision I could have made to create my own buisness.


If you don’t mind me asking how crazy did Belial get with turning your life up side down? Like what kind of things did he throw at you? I’ve got a wife and 6 year old daughter to consider at the same time.

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A few days after my first working with Belial I got a terrible fever and was having audible hallucinations all throughout the night of whispering voices seemingly speaking gibberish circling my room. my girlfriend who lived with me at the time got up in the very early morning and just walked out the door and just never came back, day before new years. She came back a few weeks later for her stuff. Was acting extremely strange. My best friend was/ is an alcoholic and he ran into another ex of mine while out drinking and told her I loved her and never stopped talking about her in private which opened old wounds with her there. He spun out of control with drinking showing up at my job wasted and a million other things until I ended up beating him up in front of a bunch of people at a party pretty bad. We are no longer friends at all. Another friend of mine I knew was toxic showed up to my house at 2am screaming claiming i stole a zippo lighter from him and that I was ‘A satanic pedophile closet gay secret jewish scumbag fagget’. Needles to say another friend down. … Most of my other friends faded away because they sided with my alcoholic friend, agreeing that I am just a judgemental asshole.
My boss thought I stole money from the cash register and threatened to fire me if I did not give him all the money I had in my pockets, 1300 dollars, because I ‘had stolen from his children’s mouths’. My one coworker, decidedd he thought I slept with his girlfriend, the other I believed to be a good friend, threatened to break my hands so I’d never hold a tattoo machine again and kill me because he thought I had become an egomaniac rockstar.
I quit and started tattooing as an outlaw on the road, traveling and got a cheap space that fell into my lap in an industrial park 5 miles down the road from my old shop. I tattooed 7 days a week and hired an assistant. Was busy as hell tattooing out of hotel rooms and houses to fund my new studio. Kept up weightlifting and put on a lot of size in this time as well. My grand opening was the 6th of this month.

I’m no where near the kind of numbers you are asking for here ha. I am certainly above the ‘average person’ statistically but I have far more freedom as well. I basically doodle on people, listen to black sabbath, and talk about magick all day.

Good luck.


What about if you have the ideas but not enough money to support them? This kinda describes my situation. :sunglasses::face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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I was living paycheck to paycheck with no savings when I quit my job a few months back. The money came though. Honestly going out on my own I was constantly doing magick to stay hidden and avoid a lot of people while I worked but the money came better than ever when I took the jump.


What sort of field are you in?

I would like to be in one but I’m not. I have a note book with all of my ideas,written with details and everything about how they would be if i had the opportunity to create something,but in my country the taxes and all the money that you have to pay up front are so much, that it’s almost impossible for any average person to start anything.

Sounds to me like you’ve already decided it’s not happening.

Right now it’s not happening. But of course i will try to make it happen in the future,after some other things that I’m working on now. Hopefully i can make it happen.

If you don’t get to a place of urgency it likely will not happen. Hoping, if there is anything beyond mere random chance, is not a very left hand path approach at all. If it is your will you will have to take action to direct and steer the probability that your desires will come to fruition. What are the chances of floating aimlessly in the ocean and just happening upon land in the exact place on the planet you were ‘hoping’ to be?

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You are right and motivational. I said hopefully meaning that everything will go well,like a positive energy thinking,but i feel what you are saying. I’m also new to this so i have a lot of work to do with mindset and my general approach to everything.

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The weather on the inside of my skull varies way to much to structure much of anything around it ha, positive thinking crumbles easily. Discipline and creatibg habits of forward moving action in both magickal and mundane ways compounds over time to achieve things positive thinking and hope never will. Positive thinking is the high fructose corn syrup of fuel sources for your life.