Help Wanted.. Foraging Wild Mushrooms in A.C.T

Hi to all,
A BIGGER HI to those in A.C.T. Australia [lmao, just having fun] I am in the need of some training in the safe practice of foraging Wild Magic Mushrooms in Canberra Australia. I have know Idea where to look what time of the year to try looking and how to safely identify the correct species and not do the dead thing. I have done a bit of research on the benefits of magic mushies on mental health issues and also I believe that they will help me also in my failing attempts to get into theta-gamma sync rapture as I am SO SO SO suck in making any progress past this point. But I have decided to try the mushies to help with crippling depression amongst other issues I have.
I cannot even buy them as I have only ever seen them once before over 30 years ago lol… I am a light drinker not a smokers so I would or do not even know where to look for a mushie seller :slight_smile: . But I also want to get out in nature for a bit and forage for other eatables that I do not know about, so I need an experienced local to tag along with for some training. As this is a important skill I am happy to pay something for your time, effort, training and knowledge as it is only fair. I am happy to travel within a reasonable distance a hour or so is no issue.

thank you

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You can take a psilocibina cubensis, they grow after a day raining and the sun shining
Psycolicibina is easy to recognize, you can PM me If you want more infos
I did mushrooms 2 times, First time i find Draggus ( the Man who incarnated in me) and he explained some doubts i had, and i knew worlds too. There exists literally an universe inside us.

I Seen something like mental hells, and mental heagens. I seen a graveyard where ghosts where buried, and the gravedigger Said that the ghost were hopes and thoughts that died. There is Mystery in the 20th tarot card. I have incredible experienced with mushrooms