Help wanted: Can you translate this Arabic script? Mostly solved at bottom

Hello, none of my irl acquaintances knows that I’m involved in magic, they only know I have knowledge of ancient stuffs, one sent me this saying “hey I found this in the park, you know what is this?

I have literally no idea, anyone?

For one this is absolutely magickal,that’s a magic square up in the corner and I recognize some of the script here.

Someone blurred out a name or something. Was this you or the friend?

I guess another obvious thing is that this was written by an English speaker. The name Edwin Elmer is here. It was probably personalized to their tastes. It includes other names too so I’m assuming this is related to spell work involving multiple people.if it was discarded in the park, maybe this was their way of getting rid of it rather than just burning it. I’ve done stuff like that

I recognize the script as…possibly aramaic? Let me look up some scripts

Not aramaic at all

Not arabic at all. I want to say that weird language from dragonscales but I know that’s not it. I recognize some of these characters

All I know is that this thing is important and it definitely is depicting powerful sorcery, and if it was discarded it was discarded for a REASON. And I sure as hell know you found it for a reason

So be careful with that thing.

also, while sensing an energetically I feel that it’s connected to some sort of knowingness. Like knowledge. With the upside down pyramid esqhe shape… All I know is that this isn’t Egyptian script, and you should do the math

It’s shaped like a robot, has shoes, and legs and an arm holding a wrench or weapon and well the magical square.

Maybe it’s a servitor/egregore.

I thought that was a flower, or like a scepter or something

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Any link to what kind of thing is that?

Mm could even be crystal or something, but it’s a robot like figure holding something lmao.

Maybe it wasn’t discarded on purpose. I’ve lost things when carrying too much or dropped apiece of paper, because I shuffled it underneath my mail to hide it, or hell. I recently had something I was going to burry, and held it in the same hand as my trash bag, and slipped and threw it in the dumpster too, and the dumpster was empty so it went with my trash.

There’s literally a book with like a 100 magical squares in it alone, plus many others and you can make them also, so unless it’s a common one, I doubt it.

The magic squares are like some form of talisman usually. She’s right, in retrospect this is totally some sort of egregore or servitor.

It totally looks like it has legs and arms and everything

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It’s probably it’s sigil, doncha think? or what empowers it?

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Can you name which book? I may wanna read it

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Talismans are just sigils with extra steps

anyways, there’s a lot going on here. I don’t even know what the script is and if we knew what the script was we could decide it for sweet sweet knowledge or the fun of it

I think a very interesting part of this is that there are multiple names written in the script at the bottom in plain English

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Gosh I don’t remember because I could only find a partial pdf when @Empress_Arianna had a physical copy and was having trouble understanding how to translate what they were for. I helped her get started on it, but don’t know how far she got. She’s away for a bit, so idk if she’ll answer for us.

I could only find like 37-40 of 300 more pages.

That could be it’s masters name, or it’s name if they are using the language for the magical feel? Or it could be a target too for it’s tasks.

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I mean yeah definitely. That would make the most sense.

there’s also the blurred out part which I’m almost positive contains another name. Did you blur it op?

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I thought that too, I wondered if either he really knew where it came from maybe, or his friend did and didn’t want him to know they were into magic

I know some of the characters from the script. I must have seen it while I was lurking around somewhere. What’s more common the way this artis definitely inspired by a few magical illustrations I’ve seen in the past. There’s so much tiny symbolism in this crap that you’d be surprised

and I enjoy stuff like this, the first thing I think of is the Hermetic Dawn

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I think he should change the title to Can you decode or read this script/language, I honestly think we know what it is, and if someone could read it, well there would be all the answers.

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it was a very small chance that he’s just trying to keep some people’s names private but that’s a very very unlikely thing period that being said, someone else could have sent the picture to that specific friend who sent the picture to him, and the one who sent it to ancient might not have found it themselves

but honestly I think that’s a bit of a stretch. It’s more likely something else

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We definitely know what it is, and we could probably find out more

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