Help please

I am not sure.

Google search lbrp

I think 12-24 hrs. Don’t quote me on that though.:smiley:

If I were to be quizzed on the procedure, I would say two things:
One, my picture had the paper reversed. Earth Banishing starts lower left going upward left.
Two, here is the procedure I do:

  1. Start left first finger out, arm out, straight drop to left hip, finger still out.
  2. Eyes open or closed, draw finger straight up to left of head crown area.
  3. draw down to right hip.
  4. Draw up and to upper left below crown
    5, Draw straight to upper right below crown
  5. Draw straight down to right of lower left.
    Thus you have drawn a pentagram. Always try to make all points connect. Try to be accurate. Always keep finger/dagger/incense straight out.
    Keep arm straight and finger out.
    Start facing east
    Recite an invocation or do Qaballistic Cross
    Draw pentagram, imagining pure white light
    Vibrate godname Yode Hay Vuv Hay
    Keeping arm out, turn to face north
    Draw pentagram, imagining pure white light
    Vibrate godname Ahh Doe Nye Eee
    Keeping arm out, turn to face west
    Draw pentagram, imagining pure white light
    Vibrate godname A Uh Huh Yay
    Keeping arm out, turn to face south
    Draw pentagram, imagining pure white light
    Vibrate godname Ahh Guh Luh Ahh
    Keeping arm out, turn to face east
    pure white light circle and flaming pentagrams should now circle you
    Call the archangels into the quarters
    Visdualize the angels.

Please see proper “LBRP”/LRP documents.

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Im very thankful for your help but can it stop psycic attack

And siddhis

I seen on wiki how to perform lesser you said while doing it inagine over person head pentagram and tgat it they are protected

Thanks fuego

This is as simple as looking at a picture of someone and imagining something.
You draw the pentagram over the face of the person, or their forehead/nose bridge and imaging a star there. You point thru the center touching the photo and vibrate (Ah Doe Nye Eee Aal Oh Heem).
The simplest protection is prayer or invocation imo.
Have the person strengthen their will to not be affected.
If its a curse, you will have to ride it out, or invoke angels to help.

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How to create amulet

I feel like my brain is dead

Thank you all for your contrubtion thank you very much

Hey fuego what do you think about konstantinos nocturnal witchcraft abput his advaced servitor creation is it good to cut cords defend against tought reading and black magick