Help please! [Unwanted spirit problem]

Hello everyone,

I have a problem with a spirit of some sort. It tells me to do disgusting things to family members and tells me it’s going to rape me. I’ve done everything to get rid of it but it won’t go away. I even tried to get an exorcist but they wouldn’t come visit me without something from a psychiatrist. Of course a psychiatrist is going to say I’m going through psychosis or I’m schizophrenic! So the exorcist was no help.

Can someone please help me get rid of this spirit? I’ve been dealing with this for Over a year and it really sucks.

I agree with the “exorcist.” The most common, non-paranormal reasons for the symptoms have to be discarded first.

I’ve been to a psychiatrist and was told that I’m fine. The exorcist still hasn’t helped me.

Did you try with Flauros? Generally he’s specialized in dealing with harassing spirits.


@5476 Welcome to our Forum :slight_smile:
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Search on here for “banishing” and do your own exorcism. You might have to try a few martinis and repeat if it’s strong, don’t worry just keep whittling away at it and it will give up and go find easier targets.

Based on your introduction, you’re starting from scratch. The good news is you can beat this. All humans have ability, it’s just not usually developed, and all humans are stronger than the bodiless: because our bodies are our strength.

It seems safe to assume the “exorcist” doesn’t know how to help, but at least he’s not trying to scam you by faking a performance.

How long has this been going on? How did it start? Has it escalated?

Meanwhile, whatever you do do not talk to it, do not answer it, and do not do what it says. Act like you can’t hear it. It’s feeding on your reactions like all bullies do, and feeding it makes it worse, so avoid showing reactions as much as you can.


No he’s completely new and doesn’t know about getting spirit aid yet. I think it might help though.


I haven’t! I’ll use the search button to see where to start with Flauros. Thank you!

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Try to banish the spirit yourself rather than paying someone to do it for you.
Meditation and visualization will always help!
You can always smoke cleanse with incense or sage. Always visualize while doing so!
Whenever I feel bad or feel like someone is out for me (could be a spirit) I always visualize a white light engulfing me or that I’m in a bubble separated from the outside world.
Thing’s I’ve seen work (not in just the left hand path) is cleansing/banishing sprays, witch bells, making wards, hanging up certain runes or symbols. Warding will probably do you best! This may sound like bs, but don’t be scared. Laugh at them. Belittle the mean spirit. Fake it until u make it! Ignore them or do them one better, insult them.

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You need to create a doorway to the void and send the spirit their.

You can use a candle, visualizing a doorway to the void and push the spirit there.

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