Help needed deciphering a sigil!

I’m I saw a sigil on the ceiling in my room ( where I usually do ritual) I was in bed and I looked towards the door and it was flashing /glowing gold I’ve never seen anything like it before. It’s not a sogil I’ve seen before, can anyone help? !sorry it’s a bit crudely drawn!


Looks like the Lucifer/Lilith sigil. What thread was that…one of @C.Kendall. I just saw it in my grimoire this morning because I copied the sigil since it was interesting

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That isn’t a sigil it’s a rough sketch of Veve.


Ooh thanks for that!
You saw it on a thread on here? I’ve looked everywhere and I can’t find it. It was so strange seeing it perfect and flashing on the bedroom ceiling. What do u reckon it means?

Veve? What’s that? I’m still a novice at all this I’ve onlt been practicing a couple of months despite studying hard lol

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Thats the Veve of Papa Legba


It’s Papa Legba’s veve (symbol) Papa Legba - Wikipedia

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The veves represent figures of the astral forces. In the course of Vodou ceremonies, the reproduction of the astral forces represented by the veves obliges the loas… to descend to earth. Every loa has his or her own unique veve, although regional differences have led to different veves for the same loa in some cases. Sacrifices and offerings are usually placed upon them, with food and drink being most commonly used.


Ok so I’ve just googled veve and papa legba, so it’s to do with voodoo? Why would this appear to me when I don’t practice voodoo lol what does it mean? I’m a bit confused tbh

it’s identical to what I saw! (Despite mine being badly drawn lol!) it’s so strange thanks all for ur input I’m so glad I’ve found out what it was that I saw I’ve just gotta desipher what I have to do with the info lol

@Shadowdoctor Ok so I’ve looked at the link u attached do think it’s a symbol of permission to speak to the dntities beyond the gate controlled by Papa Legba or do you think it’s an invitation to summon him and get permission?

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Maybe try to contact with him? I would consider this as good sign, Papa Legba is guard of gates to spirit world.


I agree with C. Kendall, it looks like a voodoo veve or a sigil used in Palo Mayombe.

I do believe its an invite. When you do, make sure its him you are contacting and not another spirit in disguise. Always be cautious but at the same time be confident. I see this as a sign of good things to come.


Papa Legba is His title in Voodoo, in Afro-Caribbean religion Papa Legba is called ELEGGUA
in Ifa which originated in Africa, Papa Legba is called ESHU. In Candomble and Umbanda from Brazil, he is called EXU.
Eshu Eleggua Legba has to be appeased and honoured before any ceremony can happen or any ebo is accepted by an Orisha.

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Maybe He wants to live in your house? You might want to find a Santero, Babalawo or Hougon to get divination on this.

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Oh thank you so much for your advice I’m really excited!! Right I’ll start preparing to contact Papa Legba. I do hope it’s a sign of good things to come. It was a very strange yet beautiful thing to see. It’s so odd but it seems the higher powers seem to b giving me clues to help me advance. It started with Belial and dreams now this while I was fully awake and not as the result of drugs or stimulants oranything lol

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@SoliMar I’m really not familiar with this area, can you explain what these things mean please? Is it possible he wants to reside here??! Thanks for ur help it’s much appreciated

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It is possible that Eleggua wants to live in your house. That means that you would receive an effigy of Eleggua that is packed with the ingredients of whichever ‘path’ walks with you. There are pictures of this online.
Look for a shop called a BOTANICA where you are. The African Trad. Religions are in the UK no doubt, you will just have to look to find them.

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Thank you so much for your help!! Right I’m going to get looking!! This is great! Im feeling that it’s a sign that im on the right path ( or left path lol) I’m so excited lol x