Help me identify a demon

So last night I had a dream that I was speaking to my dead stepmother and I knew somehow I was dreaming and that she was dead so I tried to ask her about the afterlife and every time she answered it was muffled and I couldn’t make out what she was trying to tell me and that’s when she turned away and so I but my hand on her shoulder to turn her around and instead was a blue demon with yellow eyes and it just said boo. This is when I thought I woke up but I was still dreaming and now I’m just freaked out still dreaming and thinking that this thing was watching me in this strange apartment with carpet everywhere even on the walls then I woke up for real. Can anyone Identify this demon?

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Blue typically ain’t a real demonic color, nor is hiding the unknown from people a real demonic habit typically.

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While blue can be a demonic color it’s not a defined color for race or anything. Also, if you can meet them again ask what they are and who they are, that way you won’t have to weed through typical goetia conclusions or beings like Lucifer and such when it can be anything being known or unknown to many people.

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