Tonight i meditated for 10 mins and started chanting Sargatanas Enn
Its was a week ago (i guess) when i last spoke to Sargatanas
As soon as i started saying his Enn I started getting chills in my body
i repeated his Enn 3 times and stopped
I felt that i should start speaking to him soo i did
i spoke for like 5 mins … and i didnt stop getting chills
i got goosebumps …chills after every sentence i spoke after every question i asked
is it GOOD or BAD
Well that was my experience with Sargatanas which took place tonight
Second thing…
as i am new in Occult … i never know if whatever i am doing is right or wrong … i never evoked or invoked any Entity …i just speak with them …like having a normal conversation but with no Replies
The simple petation spell … which is the easiest of all
i didnt get results even after performing that spell
well you guys can tell me …if i did something wrong
I asked Lucifer in the petation to help me make contact with SALLOS as they work closely i gave him a time period of 2 days …
i needed Sallos help in some matter soo i wanted Lucifer to help me make contact with him
I meditate listing to Sallos Enn (no Segil…just headphones and meditation)
I got nothing
Did the Petation Failed ?
Any Suggestions on SALLOS … or on PETATION spell (I already read the Tutorial: Petatio Spell thread )
and Also about Sargatanas
EDIT - As i dont have anything to communicate with the Spirit , i cant even identify which spirit i am talking to i guess thats the huge problem
Any advice on how to communicate with them WITHOUT USING ANY OCCULT ACCESSORIES as i live with my family i dont want to get caught using thoses things
as getting goosebumps wont answer my questions
why do newbies go evoking or requesting demon /entity help without research? They just like to jump into the deep end of the pool. I have no sympathy for anyone who don’t go do their homework and ask for help later. At least research basics protection rituals before casting anything in the spirit world. You would think that they understand safety first as automatic commonsense think to do if working with demons. Hello. the title of demon imply possible dangers. And asking for help from another demon isn’t the solution cuz that’s like doing the same thing of evoking demons.
Don’t take this personal. Too many deja vu of this kind of experience. knowledge of demons, magick process and protection is what’s needed so go do some homework.
Well i have did enough research on the entities i want to work with
If you read the Threads from this form you will find that most of them do their evoking without casting any protection (i may be wrong but thats what i observed after reading 100’s of Threads - Comments)
And yeah you are right we should always priorities our safety
To be clear from my side - i was just doing meditation before bed time and i felt like i should say Sargatanas Enn (Random thought) and i did … and the rest you know from the post
meditation is just a way to get into state or charge up energy for whatever casting. that’s still no excuse. saying enn is just another way to ask them to come to you. If you don’t know about the demon , don’t say their enn.
forum isn’t reliable to get info about demons. soo many variation of experience from one to another.
Had paranormal experiences at a younger age and had the opportunity to start using the internet shortly afterwards. chat rooms were less stranger danger in the days of the internet infancy. I was mailed the book “modern magick” by a friend.