Help in reversing a curse that I sent

Hi fraters and sorors.
So last week Thursday my son in law insulted me and called my Magick fake by saying I should show him real power or else those entities are just mental masturbation from my mind.
I was so pissed that I decided to combined the power od Belial,Sabnock,haures, vepar and ask seere to manifest the curse rapidly then I bind him in a bottle. He was on probation, so today after 5 days, the police came from nowhere, found drugs, illegal guns, and caught him having sex with an under age girl like 12. He is still my step son and my wife is deeply hurt. So is there a way I can reverse the curse???

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That guy sounds like scum and honestly cursed himself. I was going to say that reversing your curse is as easy as no longer feeding it energy but that guy sounds like a horrible person and I am glad you helped get him off the street. You may have helped him in the long run if the prison time helps him realize his mistakes in life.


I was gonna offer advice - but then I saw that your son-in-law is a pedophile. He didn’t have sex with her, he raped her. He deserves more suffering.


The curse was justified. Your wife may be hurt but so is the 12 yr old girl so let him sit and stew in the mess he made.


I know your probably really hurt and feel responsible. But… Honestly sounds like what you did a blessing in disguise.


Teren Terennn…reality is great

Well that’s encouraging. I didn’t see it that way. Just the lady is devastated. But as you guys said , I see it as justice being done.


You already did the curse you cant undue what is already done. What you just said was the curse.

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She’s still your wife and I understand why you feel the way you do. Maybe work on healing her heart and mind so she works past the pain.


I feel like the spirits are telling me to let it unfold itself. She has to go through it.


Fuck that guy. Looks like your spell exposed a terrible person.


They found 300gm of cocaine. I decided to let him rot there.


Boo hoo for your wife. SHE feels hurt?? She raised a pedophile? We go after pedophiles and parents that would let something like that exist.


@moshehmemra, I will be honest my friend… while your curse may have sped something up… There are a number of us … Shadow Walkers, Grey Cloaks whatever you want to call us… who specifically target adults who prey on underage people, either sexually or spiritually… I am not very public about what I am doing, but I know J.S.G is rather public that he does so… and thats just the Black Magicians, any magickally or mystically inclined Right Path person I have meet would throw a binding on him too… I know many seem to think Demons are free sex and all that, you will find that even Demons have limits, sure they are not modern legal limits.

Hell the girl might even be a Lilith devotee who went hunting and that part has nothing to do with you curse.

If you want to help him or your wife… Work some healing or betterment magick
Personally I would focus on helping your wife unless the word is very clear that she needs to work through it herself…


Not just demons even many of the Gods and Goddesses I work with look down on this. Ares and Artemis are good examples too.


I made her realize that.

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I have been a member of the rosicrucian order for 22 years, for them when you curse you can’t undo it because that’s their karma.


Call on Damebel from 72 Angels of Magick by Damon Brand. Damebel not only frees one from curses and evil sorcery but he is handy for reversing or cancelling a curse one cast.

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can you share the exact method of the curse, im also looking for a effective method. Did you use GOM books?
How did you combined the demons

I combined things from the books of moses, GOM and some rosicrucian techniques.