Help, I need revenge

I have no time to prepare an ritual with all things I need. My mom is a christian narcysistic bitch. She wanna fuck woth me and put me in jail, under false acussations since I discovered she is cheatting my dad with her ex Bf. I having troubles, because she is helped by lawyers, her friends, her BF and her sisters. Im fucking alone with this. My dad cannot help to me. Im fucking alone with this I ve tryed this simply evocation guide posted in BALG Simple English Demonic Evocation Guide. But I feel is taking so much time to do it. Please, I need help. I ve evocated LUCIFER (All Hail Lucifer) to help to me to destroy my enemies and their “christian god” because I want to take out all his power above them. I want Lucifer fucks jesus christ and fuck my all my bitchys mom helpers now. I want Lucifer take over them. I ve evocated, I just watched a man, dressed with a black coath and wearing a mask made it of silver, with a pair of horns made them of silver too. I promised Lucifer tre inciense stick and animal blood if he, Lucifer, Kill them with the most sadistic way, my bitch mom and all her helpers. Its a promise Lucifer, I promised to you and I will do it if you do it my petition. Here in Balg is someone that can channeling with him to ask about it?? I feel no time and energy now?. please??

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ı believe you need to think little less, if your energy is messed up no entity can help you with it, you need to find your balance, remote wieving would work on those enemies , plus i would like you work on vampirising for destruction bir magic as well.


I have no much time to perform an appropiate ritual, if you or someone else want to help, just do it, all are wellcome

How old are you?

I think right now you’re in your own way. Your desperation feels very frantic and in my view will likely hamper your ability to operate effectively.

I know that calming down in desperate situations is much easier said then done, but if you can settle and focus you are far more likely to succeed.

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Meditation meditation and meditation should be your starting point. In magik, having a clear mind and a balance energy is everything

Try to step away from the chaos a bit just to clear your mind and find your center, then the answer will come to you

King Belial assist with setting boundaries and keep unwanted people away from you (forever if you so chose) or anyone else you ask for . Meditate on him and his sigil l, he also is a protector, he too can protect you

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U can do a freezer spell and call upon your ancestors and some protection magick etc
Wish u the best


I agree with Moon8mood and Ragepanda.

I think the best thing for now is to learn to distance yourself from the situation and from your mom first. Even if it is just emotionally. It might just be your writing style, but you seem jumbled, chaotic and angry.
That means your ritual and your magick will probably be chaotic and jumbled as well.
Emotions in ritual are a powerful tool, but only if you have a handle on them. So try to cool down so you’ll be able to think and work more clearly and focused.
It is not a good idea to just wildly throw baneful spells to targets in your home, workplace or classroom. The results might have a very unpleasant backlash if you don’t think them through properly

I’m going on a limb here and guess that you are not very experienced in spirit connection and magick.
So I strongly suggest you hold off on the animal sacrifice and death spells, that is highly advanced complex stuff. Especially animal sacrifice has a huge chance to just be senseless animal cruelty (and illegal in a lot of places) and not earn you any goodwill from the spirit if you are not completely sure of what you’re doing.

Instead of one massive complex thing. Perhaps try a bunch of smaller stuff, you can use tools like divination to help determining what tactics to use. My personal approach would probably start off with a break up ritual for your mom and her BF first.
This is a pretty good one:

After that you could perhaps perform other smaller spells/ rites whenever you can to make their life harder or to cause your targets to fight among themselves. Maybe even combined with a more tactical and less baneful approach of having truths come to light. (The Great Orobas might be of help with that)