Help for passing an exam

Hi guys. I’ve been working with a course on college because of that I fucking forgot the actual exam.

It’s my final year.

So I’m looking for a effective spell to save me. I know it was my mistake so now I’m working day and night.

Please help if you know any spell. It might have to be a lil powerful then any regular spells.

Thank you. And sorry if i sounded a lil desperate.

Visualize yourself successfully doing and completing the exam with all the correct answers. Visualize how you will swell with pride and excitement at the knowledge that you just passed the exam. Do this visualization every day until the day. Also, every morning repeat this affirmation, “I AM passing the exam. My life is characterized by success and excellence.”


Hehe nice…Thanks!

If your Exam is done in a Room with the Other Student, here’s a Method i used to succed an Exam in 5 Minute when this exam is supposed to take minimum 30 minutes,

Before the Exam begin, Create near the Roof of the Room you are in a Kind of Sphere, an Egreggore having the Shape of a Sphere with a lot of Tentacle, then program it to absorb the Most Accurate answer from the People in the Room who are doing the Exam with you and also from the Teacher and to give them to you,

I had 26.55 on 33 in an Exam, that was supposed to take 30 minute to do, and it only taken me 3 minute,

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[quote=“Mephistor, post:4, topic:9144”]If your Exam is done in a Room with the Other Student, here’s a Method i used to succed an Exam in 5 Minute when this exam is supposed to take minimum 30 minutes,

Before the Exam begin, Create near the Roof of the Room you are in a Kind of Sphere, an Egreggore having the Shape of a Sphere with a lot of Tentacle, then program it to absorb the Most Accurate answer from the People in the Room who are doing the Exam with you and also from the Teacher and to give them to you,

I had 26.55 on 33 in an Exam, that was supposed to take 30 minute to do, and it only taken me 3 minute,[/quote]

Great Idea! Thanks Man :smiley:

I never used a spell I always used my brain and usually I was an A student

This isn’t appropriate. I mean, I could say the same thing too. I have an IQ of 160, I’ve never studied for a test in my life and I’ve only ever got B’s and A’s. But, that’s neither helpful nor prudent.

If someone comes to you asking for help with a struggle of theirs, it doesn’t help to verbally shit on them. That is not the way to win friends and influence people.


It’s not super magickal or whatever but if you have some Rosemary it helps with memory retention. I always have this stuff burning when I study for Nursing exams. I am in an accelerated program (currently on break) and have maintained a 3.0 since my second semester. I like Rosemary. I hope that helps!

@John_Wizard You could get yourself possessed and have a Spirit sit the exam. If any Spirit was wiling to do it that is.

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There are demons whom can help you pass tests.

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which demon dear

How did you do it? Elaboration please :pray::heart:

@Musty The person you are replying to hasn’t been on this forum for over five years. They will not respond. Before commenting on an old post, please click on the profile of the person to see if they’re still around. That way you’re not waiting for an answer that will never come.

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