Help! Final exam passing spells

(I don’t even know what to label this as :rofl:)
I am not confident at all I am going to pass my final exam for this summer term Math class… I am not even confident I am going to pass the class. I am majorly stressed because it could freeze everything for my Zoology degree and money (I get for taking classes) if I don’t pass it. I really would love spells. To help with passing it since I would like to sleep between now and Wednesday. I am so so so sick of math equations and never again will I take a summer semester math class. Thank You everyone :pray:

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I’m not all to familiar with spells nor do I know of any demons that can help you as I haven’t read much about the goetia. I’m sure there is one tho :slight_smile: But just gonna say this, try to stay confident, even if you have to fake it. Believing that you can’t do something will make that very thing true. Same goes vice-versa. The placebo effect is a fascinating thing. Anyway good luck on your exams. Wishing you all the best.

Please use the search function. There are multiple threads on this subject.

I did but I didn’t find quite what I was looking… Maybe because I am on mobile and my service sucks?!? Is there a title I should search? I just did final exam spells and it just came back with anything with the words exams, final and spells.

What are you looking for?

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This might be what I need I just wasn’t using the right key words! A million thank you!!

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I hope this helps you dear.
Good luck!