
I’m trying to seek help with a couple of things: How to summon demons correctly and these things I recently went thru in my dreams mean anything.
I see posts online about people on this site getting advice and i think this site is great!

Thank You


Do you have any actual experience in magick?

If not, what areas of magick are you most interested in learning?

What goals and struggles are you looking to magick to help with?

Wow. I wasnt expecting a quick response!
I do not have any magical experience, I am trying to learn on my own. I literally just made a post about Sallos and helping me with my current situation.
I guess I need to know…will it be better to learn from someone? I dont really trust anyone and dont know exactly where to go to get it.

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Most of us learn on our own through books and trial and error so don’t worry about needing to learn from someone.

You’re in luck because this forum is packed full of information. Just use the search function in the upper right and I’m sure you will find all the information you need. When I was first starting in magick, places like this didn’t exist so take advantage :slight_smile:

Welcome to the forum.

Just doing a random google search for Sallos, this forum always come up!
I definitely will partake in all this forum has to offer!

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