
New here. Going through a spiritual Awakening. That should explain it all. :laughing:


Unfortunately, no, your statement does not explain anything, and really doesn’t fit the criteria for a proper introduction.

Please tell us about yourself and any experience in magick you may have.

Maybe I’m at the wrong place then… Going through a spiritual Awakening. Spell work for a little over a year. I feel isolated. I can’t exactly ask family or friends for help, can’t even have a conversation with them. … I’ve researched and researched. I’ve asked spirits for guidance. I’m just at a point where I know I should be stronger. I know I don’t belong anywhere. With a group or title.


Start with:

How old are you?

How did this spiritual awakening start?

What are the symptoms you are experiencing?

Was it spontaneous or brought on by certain practices?

All we ask for in an introduction is some basic information, that’s all, and it is necessary if we are to provide any sort of advice or guidance.

I understand. I would like to stay and read, if that’s okay… I’m now 39. Intuition, was my start. I’m stubborn and didn’t have any patience. I’m old, lol. Don’t have the time or energy for anything else. But now, it’s everything. I finally listened. Tarot card deck was the first time in my life that I felt like I was home. From there, books, books and spells, research, practice. I have no religion. We can’t learn if we don’t research. I can’t tell you what I’m looking for, or everything that I’m going through. There’s no words. But believe me when I say, I’m only here to read. That’s all. It’s never start trouble or anything like that. I swear.

Don’t worry about causing trouble. I didn’t get that kind of vibe from you :slightly_smiling_face:

It is absolutely fine to just hang out and read, and if you have any questions, feel free to ask. Many here have had all kinds of different spiritual experiences, so you’re not alone.

And i am in the same age range as you so i understand.

Welcome :slightly_smiling_face:

Yay. Thank you very much.

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How did your awakening end up going?

Are you going through one?
I’m still going through it. Discovered a few powers. Went through shadow work. Slept for almost a year. Lol…Now I’m experimenting with light & dark witchcraft. My life is :100: completely changed. I’m still climbing. :slight_smile:


I’ve just read through this and I’m so glad to hear that you’re doing much better. It only gets better from here!
Love & Light :black_heart:

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