
Hiya my name is Kallie and I’ve always been really interested in the spiritual realm. I’ve used the board and have successfully interacted with I believe a demon but never successful spoken. I would like to learn all there is to learn and become close to king paimon. I’m just not sure how to go about it. Also does it usually result in the type of “I helped you now you owe me” type of deal? Thank you!:slight_smile:

Welcome @Kalliemp

Do you have any practical experience in magick beyond using the Ouija board?

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Welcome, at number 9 there are two versions of Paimon’s sigil: FOBO - The Goetia: The Lesser Key of Solomon the King (page 2/8)
Draw it on paper and look at that sigil while relaxing eyes, in this way it’s possible to “open” it.
Once a sigil is open, you may ask questions or make a request to the spirit. There are 2 points of view: either an entity is satisfied with doing its task or, indeed, it’s best to give a reward. For example you may send some of your energy, light a candle, burn incense or give a food offering, leaving it “out” until it begins to appear stale.

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Not really, I mean as a kid I was always talking to my “imaginary friend” who I called Lucifer. I’ve also always been able to see spirits out of the corner of my eyes ect. The one time me and my friend used the board I believe we did speak to king paimon. The computer turned on, the walky talky that had no batteries began to make noise, and some things moved. The only issue is we taunted it (we were 16 I’m currently 22) and the door flew open and hit the wall after numerous “your pathetic spirit show us you are real” types of stuff. It ended up killing her pet bird, we found it just dead on the bottom of the cage in the morning… So that’s the only real contact and it wasnt exactly respectful.

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