Hello world, im Doom74!

Hello people, i just found the forum when i was after some rituals for talking with the norse gods more spec with Thor, I’m into a lot of things from good old xamanic rituals to vodun and I have a love case with ancient stuff, rituals and the ancients traditions and cultures.
I study occult shit for some time now, im 21 and still trying to find my place in some area of study and in this world.

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How long is “some time now?”

What is your main practice currently?

Real study it’s like 3 years and a half, but when i was a kid i loved harry potter, it just took me some time(around 18-19years) to realize how the world really are…

For now im more into some rituals and sigil making(and sigil making for music, or music for sigils even), but im still figuring out what it’s the best way to use my skills.


Thank you for elucidating more upon your experience, and welcome to the BALG forum :slight_smile:

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