Hello there!

Hi there,
My name is Anareta.
I’m new and I’m from Italy.
I’m a Satanist.
I’m in Laveyan Church of Satan but I think that there is more than that.
That’s why I label myself as Luciferian, too.
I don’t worship anything but myself.
As King Belial says: no Gods, no Masters.

Thank you for your attention.


Hail Belial

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Hey friend welcome to the community. You have done rituals to summon any entity before?

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Thanks for your welcome.
Yes, I evoked Lucifer by A.Mason paradigm.
And I feel a connection to Duke Dantalion.
He will be the next I’ll try to evoke

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Sweet goodluck on your journey and dont hesitate to ask any questions.

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Manu thanks for your warm welcome!

Hi Anareta, welcome to the forum. :wave:t4::grin:

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Welcome to the forum.

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Welcome @Anareta

How long have you practiced?

Do you have experience in any systems or traditions outside of Satanism?

Satanism is the only Cult I practise since 2013.
I’m reading a few books about Chaos Magick.
I’m interested more in psychological side of Satanism than in Magick.
From Jungian perspective Lucifer is Ego and Satan is the Shadow…
It’s very fascinating for me.

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