Hi everyone I’m looking for some help on how I can get this female to like me when does not even want me at all. She never replied to my texts or return my calls what can I do I don’t want to work with demons. So what can I do to get her to be mine.
Welcome to the forum. Please tell us about yourself and any experience you have in magick. This post doesn’t tell us anything and so does not meet the requirement for a proper introduction.
Hang around ATMs and collect the discarded slips with the highest amounts of money printed. When next in her vicinity make sure these slips inadvertently drop from your pocket or wallet. Being a woman she’ll pick these up and examine same. It’s called the Magick of the Open Cheque-book.
You could also try learning by heart and delivering with passion the Evocation of Naamah.
Ignore the ones that involve working with demons. Welcome & good luck
I find you absolutely awesome. I just got stares in starbucks from laughing so hard. Damn you LOL
I also have no experience in magic at all I come in a catholic faith but i do belive in it I’m totaly a beginner. I chant mantras , meditate, listin to subliminals, I belive in the Greek Gods very interested in them and Egyptian gods very interested and folk saints Jesus Malverde , San Simon , La Santísima Muerte and pray to Angels as well I’m the type of guy that does what works if something does not work I discontinue and try something else.
Thank you
Hi @Infantry_grunt_Warri, Welcome to the forum.
Catholic faith is the perfect primer for the LHP On the bright side you know all about rituals, candle spells etc already.
Joking aside, glad you joined us, I hope you find all you’re looking for here. Utilize that search function a lot, It really helps and if you’re ever stuck on something NEVER be afraid to ask.
Look forward to conversing with you.
How did you come up with your name, are you military?
What is LHP ? And yes I am in the Military. Do you have any advice to help me in this situation?
LHP = left hand path. I’m about to start work and that is a very long topic to type a response right now. I’m going to include a link to a video which I found enlightening. It’s a very easy listen if you have the time.
If you prefer the typed version for clarification, it is available from the BALG Website and it’s free of charge
Let me see if i can put something together for you. Brb
Ok please do so thank you so much for your help
Thank you I will check it out
Ok @ Infantry_grunt_Warri, here you go.
A ritual to get that female to like you
- Print out the 2nd and 4th Pentacles of Venus from the Greater Key of Solomon.
- Get a copy of Liber O by Crowley, you’ll need to look at and follow the instructions in it from the instructions and the diagrams.
- Do the following on Friday during a Venus hour with the moon in a fire sign. You can figure out when the days and hours of Venus will happen here.
Here is what you do:
On Friday at a Venus hour, stand facing East.
Opening Kabbalist Cross
i - Touching the forehead sing Eheieh (I Am) while thinking of your cervical plexus (the nerves in your neck) vibrating.
ii - Touching the breast sing Malkuth (The Kingdom) while thinking of your lumbar, sacral and coccygeal plexi (the nerves in your lower torso, pelvis, and groin) vibrating.
iii - Touching the right shoulder, sing ve-Geburah (and the Power) while thinking of your right branchial plexus (the nerves connecting your right arm) vibrating.
iv - Touching the left shoulder, sing ve-Gedulah (and the Glory) while thinking of your left branchial plexus (the nerves connecting your left arm) vibrating.
v - Clasping the hands upon the breast, sing le-Olahm, Amen (To the Ages, Amen) while thinking of your celiac/solar plexus (the nerves in your abdomen) vibrating underneath the nerves in both of your hands, which cover it.
Formulation of the Pentagrams & Invocation of the Archangel
viii - Turning to the West, the same, but sing EHEIEH.
x - Extending the arms in the form of a Cross say: ‘I call you arcangel Gabriel, angel of the star Antares, or alpha Scorpius. Guide my request into full manifestation.’ Wait until you feel something change. When you feel something change around you, Gabriel is with you. Continue.
Opening Analysis of the Keyword
i - Stand upright, feet together, left arm at side, right across body.
ii - Then face East and say 'Yod. Nun. Resh. Yod. Virgo, Isis, Mighty Mother. Scorpio, Apophis, Destroyer. Sol, Osiris, Slain and Risen. Isis, Apophis, Osiris, IAO.
iii - Make The Sign of Osiris Slain, breathing deeply and evenly. (See Illustration).
iv - Move into The Sign Isis Mourning, breathing deeply and evenly.
v - Move into The Sign of Apophis, breathing deeply and evenly.
vi - Move into The Sign of Osiris Risen, breathing deeply and evenly.
vii - Make the Sign of Osiris Slain, then L, V, and X, saying ‘L V X -, Lux, the Light of the Cross.’
Formulation Of The Hexagrams
xi - Trace the invoking hexagram of Water towards the West, saying: ‘One is his Beginning; One is His Individuality; His Permutation is One. Achad Rosh Achdotho Rosh Ichudo Temurahzo Achad, ARARITA.’ Over top of this, draw the invoking hexagram of Venus. Trace the planetary sigil of Venus in the middle of this hexagram.
Conjure the 2nd and 4th pentacles of Venus
Hold the pentacle of Venus in front of you and say ‘I conjure you Elion, Eloim, and Ahvio, by the most potent Name of IHVH TZABAOTH, which is the God of Armies, ruling in the Heavens, which Joseph invoked and was found worthy to escape from the hands of his Brethren. I call you Elion, Eloim, and Ahvio from the 2nd Pentacle. I call you Schii, Eli, Ayib from the 4th Pentacle. Angels of God and celestial spirits, help me.’
Wait until you feel something change around you. When you do, the spirits are listening to you. Then tell them what you want them to do for you.
Say ‘Elion, Eloim, Ahvio, Schii, Eli, Ayib, welcome. I ask you to place me as a signet upon thine heart, as a signet upon thine arm, for love is strong as death. Force on the instant any person i want
to come to me (name the person you want). I invoke you into my heart field and send you to manifest my request in my life.’
Closing Analysis of the Keyword
i - Then face East. Stand upright, feet together, left arm at side, right across body, and say:
ii - 'Yod. Nun. Resh. Yod. Virgo, Isis, Mighty Mother. Scorpio, Apophis, Destroyer. Sol, Osiris, Slain and Risen. Isis, Apophis, Osiris, IAO.
iii - Move into the Sign of Osiris Slain.
iv - Move into the Sign of the Mourning of Isis.
v - Move into the Sign of Apophis.
vi - Move into the Sign of Osiris Risen.
vii - Move into the Sign of Osiris Slain, saying ‘L.V.X., Lux, the Light of the Cross.’
Release the Archangel
Say ‘I thank you arcangel Gabriel for watching over me. Arcangel of Antares, continue to guide my request into full manifestation. I release you now to go in peace.’
Closing Kabbalist Cross & Middle Pillar Ritual
i - Touching the forehead sing Eheieh (I Am) while thinking of your cervical plexus (the nerves in your neck) vibrating.
ii - Touching the breast sing Malkuth (The Kingdom) while thinking of your lumbar, sacral and coccygeal plexi (the nerves in your lower torso, pelvis, and groin) vibrating.
iii - Touching the right shoulder, sing ve-Geburah (and the Power) while thinking of your right branchial plexus (the nerves connecting your right arm) vibrating.
iv - Touching the left shoulder, sing ve-Gedulah (and the Glory) while thinking of your left branchial plexus (the nerves connecting your left arm) vibrating.
v - Clasping the hands upon the breast, sing le-Olahm, Amen (To the Ages, Amen) while thinking of your celiac/solar plexus (the nerves in your abdomen) vibrating underneath the nerves in both of your hands, which cover it. Do this until you feel calm and you’re done.
Write that girl’s name on the back of the pentacle. Keep it under your pillow at night.
Do this entire rite daily at a Venus hour until something happens with that girl. Again use the calculator to figure out when Venus hours happen every day. Most days you have 3 or 4 Venus hours, so you have an opportunity to do this daily. If you can’t coordinate the Venus hour, do it at any time, but you’re better off to do this at a Venus hour.
Keep us posted on what happens. I want to know what comes of this.
Yeah, I should have a syndicated Satanic Tonight Show… ‘And now, here’s everyone’s favourite, over-the-top, over-the-counter drug addicted, disturbed, left hand path sicko – Uncle Al.’
Thank you for the information it seems a lot to do but I don’t mind it feels a little confusing now what is the 2nd and 4th penticals of Venus look like ? And when you say to trace the hexagrams how do you mean by that how do I do that ? Do I do it in the air ? Or on paper ? I’m confuse do I need to as well get a compass to actually tell me the right cordintates ? As well I have another question Can you send me a picture on how it supposed to look when you have your left hand on the side of your body and the right hand accross the right side. And what happens if I mess up on the ritual ?
Magick often demands you do overly-complicated bullshit in order to impress upon you the abundance of wisdom your teachers have vs your lack of knowhow, but it’s all an elaborate sham designed to make you look and feel inferior.
Magical instruction in general is pseudo-intellectual, meaning it’s made to look more complicated than it actually is in order to seem more impressive to onlookers.
At the end of the day, magick is really just telling reality you want something to happen, then doing something about it to get the ball rolling. It’s not as hard to do as it seems when you read the complex instructions.
Don’t feel intimidated. If you don’t understand something, ask and i’ll see if i can simplify ythings until you can understand it.
Click the hyperlinks (blue letters). I put everything you need on there.
Do it in the air. If you want to get the full effect, use a glow stick as your wand if you can get your hands on one. But it doesn’t matter if you have a glow stick, or even a wand. If you have nothing else, use your finger. That’s more than enough.
Do it in a room where you have a wall or corner facing westward. Face the wall or corner. It’s not complicated, just feel it out.
If what i wrote is too complicated for you to get, do the following sections: Formulate the Pentagrams & Invoke the Arcangel, Formulate the Hexagrams, Conjure the Pentacles, and Release the Arcangel.
Take the other sections out if they confuse you. They’re basically yoga exercises.The Kabbalist Cross is an exercise for locating your nervous plexi and running your bioelectrical energy through them, which forms magnetic fields around your nerves. This magnetism can be used to circulate your magnetic energy; this is the foundation of Mesmerism. The Analysis Of The Keyword is the Western magickal version of the Sun Salutation in Indian Yoga, or the 8 Brocades in Qigong. Those exercises are rather complex and helpful to your request, but not necessary. If you don’t know how to do them, just leave them out.
Speaking of Jesus malverde. I’ve felt very drawn to him lately just wanted to add for anybody
Else that is new or maybe also interested to work w him, I’ve heard he really
Appreciates an alter, candies, bullets, jewelry, cigars, drugs,
Alcohol etc.
I’ve heard some people even make a box painted w him. And use that as an alter.
I also want to remind all of you that starting off
Small is always okay as long as you open your heart to growth.