Hello! I'm new here!

Hello! My name is Kat, and I’m 21!
I’ve been studying a bit and have had questions and issues i’ve wanted to figure out, so i was redirected here! :slight_smile:
Nice to meet you all!


Hello Kat

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Welcome @Galactakat Please tell us about yourself and any experience in magick you may have.

Where are you from?

Do you have any practical experience in magick?

If so, what do you practice, and how long have you practiced?

If not, what areas of magiick are you interested in learning?

Hi Kat, welcome to the forum :wave:t4::grin:

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I’m pretty new too. Everyone here seems nice. Welcome! :slight_smile:

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Welcome :blush:

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So i don’t really have much experience in magick, just mainly cleansing and tarot reading.
I have also done a single self love jar and done studies about deities for several years. But that’s the extent of my knowledge haha.
I’m still figuring out what specifically i’m wanting to learn , so i’m pretty open to anything!


Sigil Magick is always a good start. It’s easy and doesn’t really require a lot of ritual. It’s also very effective.

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Awesome! I’ll look into it! :slight_smile:
Thank you!

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Hi, @Galactakat. How are you?

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I’m doing well, how about you?

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I’m also doing good. :slight_smile:

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Welcome!! :grin::grin: I hope you find everything you need here!!

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Hi there Kat…Welcome! Love your name.

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thank you!

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Welcome, ask away! In my experience everyone here has been really helpful and supportive. I’m not the most experienced person here but I’ll do my best to answer any questions you might have :slight_smile:


Hello love,

As I said before I’m not the most experience person here but I’m more than happy to help whenever I can. And I think that you will find that most people here are very helpful and gracious. So have fun and ask away!

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Welcome! A quick tip is to use the search option, and search whatever fancies your interest. This forum is a goldmine, so don’t neglect the older posts. I started with angelic, Gallery of Magic type stuff - feel free to toss me a pm.

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