Hecate's Damn Riddle

sigh […] To me, does it sound like those words of Azazel:
“Embrace your birthright.” Or those statements which i read often in the forum, that with obtaining omnipotence, and to embrace godlike power through the use of magic, the DNA would be altered.

Outside of that, or in any practical way, do i have no clue at all.


No she meant something else. She meant some kind of new ability. I have no idea what she was talking about.

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Try a divination to get some more insight?


I’m trying lots of things. she basically said… I’m not telling you what it is or what it’s for, it’s all up to you to figure out.


Yes i’ve gotten that from a few spirits as well, and it’s maddening, the only advice i can give is when i finally get pissed and walk away the answer quite literally smacks me in the face, then i feel like a total moron for not seeing it all along, so you might want to take a couple days off for thinking about it ,do something else then come back to it.


I suggest asking Dorr - he’s helped me a few times with riddles and feeling stuck:

(Dorr = she/he - hard to give a floating astral door a gender, but this is the spirit who helped me become as one with the Angel of Lost Things, and that was pretty important in my overall agenda. :slight_smile: )


Just a musing here, but maybe the riddle is not the statement in it’s entirety but the word “gene”. A gene is just material that dictates what COULD be if the one in possession of them is allowed to grow. Perhaps the word gene is a word she used to describe an unfulfilled potential that most carry but will never grow. Also, consider her choice of words. Do genetics or puzzles carry any special significance for you?


Maybe she said “jeans.” Do you have some unusual Levi jeans locked up somewhere?:joy:

Sorry… I couldn’t resist. Take Lady Eva’s recommendation and get some outside help.


Something that you think about yourself that you can do better than anyone else or somethings in your blood line that you have in common

Well she meant I need to find out what she is talking about myself. Actually she always has done these types of things with me, but before it meant something bad was about to happen.

In the past I’ve been through these insane trials and tribulations. Now, she says I’m ready to be the focal point of her nexus yada yada but now it’s up to me to figure it all out. No instructions, nothing. It’s someonething I have dormant and I have to figure out what it is…


Time to meditate on it it seems


You won’t find insight while you’re looking outside of yourself.

Shut off your brain, and let your spirit search.

Your ancestors would be a good place to start your research.


So far I’ve gotten nothing other than flocks of ravens during meditation.

Did you try your ancestry?

Doing that tonight.

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Ravens? Try asking Odin.


Hecate sends ravens lol but I’ll ask Odin… umm… I’ve never called him.

Okay, so I haven’t had a chance to ask anyone anything, but my eyes have suddenly started twitching and throbbing. This is related to what she was talking about. 100% Just not sure what it is yet.

Maybe you have oracle blood in you and hecate want to awaken it.

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Yes! That’s it! That’s exactly what she meant! Thanks kiss!

Now to finish unlocking it lol

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