Hearing Lucifer

For those of you who have heard or spoken to Lucifer, is it possible to hear him as a voice inside your head? I ask because lately I have heard a voice inside my head when thinking about him. Not sure if I am just imagining things or what. Could you possibly have conversations via telepathy? Thanks in advance for the responses.


All spirits talk to you in your head…it is called clairaudience.

I work with Lucifer and yes he has done that with me.


I realize that maybe that sounded like I was being a butthole… I wasn’t…just making a statement


Yes, you can most commonly sense entities with your mind. So yes, it’s perfectly possible that you hear the voice inside your head.


I didn’t think you sounded like a butthole. Thank you for replying!


Sure thing!

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Most spirits talk through your thoughts, so yes.


I hear him in my head, constantly. At first I thought I was literally going crazy. But the words in my head went completely against my nature. Encouraging words. Things I’d never say to myself. Once I began to listen to his words and follow the directions, my life changed. After a while, I gained the ability to fully discern between my words and his. It takes a while. And it’s difficult. But just wait until you hear him speak out loud like he’s right beside you… it’s mind numbing.


I think this is generally how most of us do it yes.


I have heard his voice too.

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yes, telepathy is how I usually talk to the Beings I want to work with, however, one must be certain it is not your own mind doing it and that is an actual conversation, in this case, one communicates with energy to be able to make sure, energy and vibrations come first, telepathy soon after

Yes. I constantly hear him in my head. But also I’ve heard him in the physical plane: the first time was when I was curious about the occult, I saw him like a big human-shaped shadow saying “Join me.” The second time was yesterday, I was mispronouncing a word in a spell and he corrected me.

His voice is deep and strong, like coming from a cave, it can make quite an impression, but it didn’t feel menacing or evil.


Absolutely it is possible and happened to me. I was doing a ritual from the book Lucifer and the Hidden Demons (which I highly recommend btw). This was to heal my cat who suddenly became very ill and collapsed, had to be rushed to the vet, but it wasn’t looking good . I did the ritual and I remember being very upset but heard a distinct voice in my head telling me it would be ok and she would recover. I doubted it as then I got a call saying I should get to the vet as quickly as possible as she was not responding. But when I got there, she started to pick up and made a full recovery. So Lucifer had been right and I really believe it was him I had heard.