Healing teeth

What is your source for that?

Are there herbs or talismans I can use?

I sat down in the grass and put the grass upon my right hand, using it as a table, and with my left forefinger and thumb, lightly held the grass blades, and… listened/felt the vibration. Also I meditated upon all the plants in spring, upon their growing force. Eventually I learned to hear it. “Huuhhnnnnnnnnnnmmmnnn,” is what it sounded like. It took practice to get right.


I used to suffer horrendously with toothache and no amount of painkillers alleviated it. I found that putting toothpaste for sensitive teeth directly on the tooth and letting it rest there and swishing it around a bit did actually relieve the pain.

I don’t like dentists or doctors either so I know what it’s like to find workable solutions.
Quite some time ago I started taking vitamins and I noticed that if I stopped taking vitamin D the toothache pain would return as well as the tooth getting loose again. When back on the vit D, within a few days the tooth felt more secure and no more pain. This has happened a few times along the way where I ran out of vitamin D and it showed how quickly depleted the body can get but also easily replenished.

I like to take lots (lots and lots) of Vitamin D, which I think is essential and I drink about a pint of full fat cows milk every day, also zinc and magnesium.

There are some good books on vitamins, maybe you should have a look and see.

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Look up Dr. Axe he suggested oil pulling on YouTube and I tried that and you could visibly see the difference on the x-ray. I had a very bad truth infection and oil pulling helped a ton. Also clove oil helps aot w/ pain. You can go to the grocery store and buy whole clothes in the Spy section and take one and put it on the painful part and chew it and it will numb the area. Doing this for a long period of time will cause nerve damage so you need to fix the tooth…
Also I found switching with silver to help but that’s a little bit more expensive. Between oil pulling and silver though, I was able to get my truth infection gone


But Dr Axe is a doctor and he has a whole bunch of YouTube videos on healing your tooth pain


What about creating Saturn talisman? I have read it deals with teeth.

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