Healing rite with Zepar or someone else for physical ailments?

I have been very sick on and off, so was my child for like a month now as she picks up every virus from daycare. I got so badly affected by the last virus, I kept coughing for over a month. And while my lungs etc. are fully clear now and I am not “sick” anymore, right before I stopped coughing some days ago while I was coughing a lot I pulled a muscle or something at my ribcage area. Now I feel like I have a freaking broken rib!!!

I can’t do ANYTHING. I hurt like hell even upon breathing in and out. As in horrible stabbing-like pain. I went to a thousand doctors and was at the hospital as well and they told me I just have to wait it out. But as I said I also have a nearly 2yo kid. And while my mom has helped me last two days, I’ll have to take care of her on my own soon. And with this pain I can barely pick her up or move or change a diaper…

Which entity do I petition or what do I do to help heal this and possibly boost immunity for both myself and her? We have a good diet, get good sleep and sunlight.

I think Marbas or Raphael is the best option for this.

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If you are not adverse to angels, try vibrating this:

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