Healing and banishing of illness

I found a solomonic sun pentacle I want to use to get rid of my back problems. The talisman is said to be made in the waxing moon to attract and the amulet is made in the waning moon to banish. Is there actaul a difference when it comes to dealing with a health problem?

Yes. Banishing a problem or illness does not automatically mean it will reset you back to health. Health is a different state of being than illness, or disability, and requires more than simply getting rid of something. The body still has to recover and restore itself to homeostasis.

Think of a broken bone. Even after the break heals, it takes some time for the body to restore the muscles and ligaments back to their former strength due to the atrophy from being immobilized.

Attracting a state of heath would probably serve you better than simply banishing the problem. One can banish pain, for example, but doing so would not necessarily alleviate the underlying cause of that pain. In the case of your back problems, your body has adapted to that state, so even if you banished the problem, the energetic imprint of the state will remain, and the body will need to restore itself back to its original, pre-back problem blueprint.

So I could start creating an amulet to banish my back problem and then transform it into a talisman so it will attract that state of being that will hinder the back problem return?

Just create a talisman to restore your back to full health. Once that is done, then you can create an amulet to ward of the back problems from reoccurring aka maintaining the state of health.

And in time I won’t be need it anymore because the body and soul has now addapted the new state of being?

Yes. Basically, you have to reset the energetic matrix that underlays the physical manifestation of your body. One the energetic blueprint is redrawn, then eventually, so will the physical body be redrawn.