Headache and dizziness after working with third eye chakra

Do you meditate in lotus position when you have these crystals at the top of your head?

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I don’t. I am awful at meditation. My strongest Magick is healing with crystals, herbs and oils. So I would rub there over your third eye when you start feeling that way. I would also get a clear Quartz and rub it all over your body. Just incase it isn’t just the third eye casing the. The clear quartz is supposed to trap the stuff in it and in some cases it will cloud up.

What if I do my chakra mantra in lotus position and place a mountain rock crystal and amethyst at the top of my head in my elemental balanced circle?

Amethyst “grab” the energy so I can pull it out the chakra? I do have a pentacle necklace with the amethyst in.

Hey Kristian,

As an energy healer and crystals therapist this topic often comes up. When you develop a headache and dizziness it means you have developed an overactive energy so pause the practices and focus on balancing out the new energy, by taking it down to the lower chakra’s by ways of grounding. You can visualise taking down the energy back to the root and then let it go up again but this time beyond your third eye and let it exit through the crown. When you have a kundalini awakening because of these type of meditations and do not have done the grounding work it can literally make you sick, so it is also wise to focus on the foot chakra when you feel this way . Use crystals like ruby or red jasper to bring the energy down your body. Grounding is actually more important that rising up the energy when it comes to long term spiritual progress as that is your foundation.

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You do not want to use Amethyst for your issue, that is like killing fire with more fire, you want to counter with an opposite type of stone.

It makes also sense. I experienced it only got worse.

Is it not something about that for each chakra there is a counterpart chakra? I shall work with the opposite chakra of the pineal chakra to draw the energy away from it? Is that root chakra?

The soil from the mud helped me with this type of headache, I would moisten the soil with a little water and put it on my forehead, sometimes on the scalp as well, in about 15 minutes the pain would pass.

I’m not sure if I translated well, it refers to the soil found in flower pots.


No, but multiple chakra’s do relate to each other. Whenever working with the higher chakra’s and being over stimulated, its always best to go to the lowest, the root, or even below, the earth star/foot chakra. I like the idea of the commenter above me too about soil, this definitely works as well as soil roots us.

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It’s specific the 6th chakra I have problem with… I believe it also to be the cause of my OCD problems.

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@DarkestKnight, I’m on antidepressants, anti-anxiety, and mood stablizer. Will these effect my Chakras at all?

Some people may disagree with me, but I will say no., they will not affect your chakras. Your mind influences your energy, and if your mind is out of balance, then so too is your energy. if the medications help your mind achieve stability, then your mind is better able to focus your intentions.

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That makes a lot of sense. Thank you for your input, @DarkestKnight.

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