Have you ever

Working with raw forces like elemental and planetary can develop ones senses pretty well. This last 9 months on the path of smoke is my first real exposer to intentional evocations/ invocations of spirits. Before i started working from Bmoa i had 2 evocations i can claim had intent in them. My first summoning of Nyarlathotep during childhood had no real clue what i was doing but it work :rofl: and my accidental one of the archangel Michael :laughing:

I will admit working with the divā€™s pushed my development even further than i expected in as short a time i have been working with them :grin: its also teaching me i dont HAVE to do everything myself :laughing: i can be a might stubborn in this regard.

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You do still have to do magick to get there, but maybe a Mercury talisman will help @Fuego1 with comms? They;re pretty easy to make, and escalate influence over timeā€¦ :thinking:

You didnā€™t see them in the catalog yet? :cry:



speaking of which @Lady_Eva, a red candle and patchouli have been burning, water nearby, and stated intention, Litany of the Earth Mother said, and have been sitting in remembrance through the past three days, this will continue a few more. Will be doing the ritual soon.


Awesome! :sunglasses:


This is true you still have to work them magickal muscles to make progress :muscle: :alien: